My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1338: Is she older or am I older?

Chapter 1338 Is she older or am I?

 Ye Qingfeng happily brought Xiao Yu'er home, and she was very ostentatious.

“Mommy, sister, Yu’er is coming to stay at our house for a few days. Come out quickly!”

He shouted at the top of his voice. Ye Weiwei, who was doing skin care in the house, took off her facial mask and stood up. He ran out and saw a little girl with twin tails standing with his son. That was Nangong Yu. What!

Ye Weiwei immediately waved to the people below, "Yu'er is here. Wait a minute. Godmother will come down after washing her face."

After hearing the news, Ye Zhiruo also ran down and saw Xiao Yu'er standing obediently next to Ye Qingfeng. He immediately went up and gave her a big hug, "Yu'er, I haven't seen you for several days."

 “If my sister is good.”

Xiao Yuer smiled shyly at everyone.

 In a certain aspect, Xiao Yu'er and Ye Zhiruo are somewhat similar, that is, they both give people the feeling of being a lady.

The good thing about Ye Zhiruo is that she behaves generously and elegantly; while the good thing about Xiao Yuer is that she is shy but not timid, and she is very polite in all aspects.

 Generally speaking, both of them are children that adults like very much.

 Xiao Yu'er actually comes to Ye's house often, but Xiao Yu'er has been too well-behaved since she was a child, and people don't want to treat her casually.

  A smart and good girl, others would like to hold her in their hands when they see her.

At this time, Ye Zhiruo noticed that her brother Ye Qingfeng was still carrying a pink suitcase, and asked in confusion: "Brother, why are you carrying the pink suitcase?"

“Ahem, let me solemnly announce something. From today on, Yu’er will live in our home!” He shook the suitcase by the handle, feeling very proud.

Ye Zhiruo was very surprised, even a little unbelievable, "No way? My godfather agreed?"

You must know that Nangong Luo is a father who loves his daughter dearly. Since Xiao Yu'er returned to him, he has always taken his daughter with him. Although he will let Xiao Yu'er come out to play with them, it can only be done for a day or two at most. , it’s really a bit strange to come here with a suitcase.

Ye Zhiruo couldn't believe it, but Xiao Yu'er herself nodded.

However, after confirming this, Ye Zhiruo became even happier.

“Great, Han Qi is here, and so are you, Yu’er, so the four of us will not be bored anymore.”

“Hey, the name Han Qi seems familiar. Are there any guests at home?”

 “Yes, let me introduce it to you.”

 Because Han Xingye lives out of town all year round, although the adults have some contact with each other, the children rarely see each other.

Han Qi and the Ye family brothers and sisters only meet a few times a year, and have almost no interaction with Xiao Yuer.

Xiao Yu'er only heard the name "Han Qi" from them occasionally, and it sounded familiar at first glance.

Ye Zhiruo took her to the music room, where Han Qi was still tinkering with the instrument seriously.

 “Han Qi, look, I’ve brought back another little friend!”

 “Come, let me introduce each other to you.”

"Her name is Yu'er. She is the daughter of my godfather's family. Yu'er is a very well-behaved sister."

“His name is Han Qi, and he has a good relationship with our family. He is very smart and is best at music.”

 Ye Zhiruo introduced the two people to each other respectively.

Xiao Yu'er didn't talk much, just wrote basic polite words, saying: "Hello Han Qi, nice to meet you, my name is Nangong Yu."

 “Hello, my name is Han Qi.”

 After introducing himself, Han Qi suddenly asked a question.

 “Is she older or am I older?”


  【Do you think there is cp in this? 】

 (End of this chapter)

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