My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1339: Han Qi gave you some ecstasy soup.

Chapter 1339 Han Qi gave you the ecstasy soup

 After abducting Xiao Yu'er to his home, Ye Qingfeng thought that his plan was successful.

He thought, when Ye Zhiruo was chatting with Han Qi, he could still have a love affair with Xiao Yu'er?

Bah, bah, bah!

If Nangong Luo knew that he used such words to describe his relationship with Xiao Yu'er, he would have to hunt him down! At least one of his legs must be broken!

However, in general, Ye Qingfeng's wishful thinking was very good.

 Xiao Yu'er is very sensible and considerate. Even when she encounters something interesting and plays with others, she will take everyone's feelings into consideration.

So when Ye Zhiruo pulled her along to listen to Han Qi's musical instrument performance, she would also remember to pull Ye Qingfeng along.

Ye Zhiruo didn't notice this because she was too familiar with her brother and knew that he was not very interested in music, so she didn't want to waste time with him.

Ye Qingfeng, who didn't want to be out of touch with the crowd, found listening to music boring, but seeing that his sister was very interested and Yu'er was listening attentively, Ye Qingfeng had no choice but to **** up his ears and force himself to listen.

 As a result, he almost dozed off!

“Brother Feng, Yu’er remember last time you said you wanted to show me your newly built model, why don’t we go see it now?”

 “Okay, okay!” As soon as Ye Qingfeng heard Xiao Yuer say that she was interested in the model she made, Ye Qingfeng became twelve times more energetic!

 Before Xiao Yuer left, she and Ye Zhiruo made an OK gesture to each other.

 Actually, she just wanted to find a reason to take Ye Qingfeng out so that he would not be bored by staying here. It was Ye Zhiruo who told her about the model.

 Ye Zhiruo met Han Qi’s father, Han Xingye, on the first night he stayed here.

Han Xingye had long heard that there were four children gathered at home. When he came to see his son in the evening, he brought gifts to all four children.

 I bought it specially according to everyone's preferences, and everyone likes it very much.

Han Xingye is a musician. He has a unique charm and is easy to attract people.

Xiao Yu'er has been a person who likes to appreciate and knows how to appreciate since she was a child. When she met Han Xingye, she was full of affection for this uncle.

In her spare time, Xiao Yuer asked Ye Zhiruo casually when they were standing together: "Hey, why don't you see Han Qi's mommy?"

 “Hush, you can’t say it.”


“Han Qi has grown up with Uncle Han since he was a child. He is from a single family.”

 “Ah, sorry.”

Xiao Yuer frowned, feeling a little distressed.

  She experienced the days of being without a father when she was a child. Although she was very young at that time, she has almost forgotten that feeling now.

But the memory of my father who has been missing for three years is too profound. Even if I feel that I have forgotten it, the memory is still there.

 Now that she heard that Han Qi had been without a mother since he was a child, she felt a little sad.

 From then on, Xiao Yuer took more care of Han Qi.

 Ye Qingfeng is going crazy!

 “What kind of ecstasy soup did Han Qi pour into you?”

He used all the lines of the vicious female supporting characters in the TV series, making Ye Zhiruo and Xiao Yuer laugh.

"Brother, are you stupid? Are you jealous of Han Qi? Han Qi is a guest and a younger brother. Mommy said that we must take good care of him and we must not neglect him."

 “I know, and I also said that I would give him the warmth of home.”

 “Yes, that’s good if you know.”

“But he plays music every day, which makes my head spin!”

 “People have talents, do you have them?”

“What’s wrong with me? The girls in our school have been chasing me all day long, praising me for being handsome!”

 (End of this chapter)

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