My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1341: change clothes

Chapter 1341 Change clothes

"be careful!"

Yu Anran stepped back in time to avoid Ye Qingfeng's flying kick.

  But the water in my hand spilled out of the quilt and sprinkled on my hands.

 In an instant, Bei Ye appeared in front of her and held her hands to check carefully, "Is everything okay?"

Yu Anran shook his head, "It's okay, this water is warm water, it can't be boiled."

 Ye Qingfeng got into trouble on his own initiative, and instantly became intimidated.

 He bowed his head in front of the two of them and apologized, "I'm sorry, godmother, I didn't mean to do it."

 I apologized to Yu Anran and then to Kitano, "I'm sorry, godfather, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Although Ye Qingfeng is naughty, he is very smart.

 When you do one thing, you don’t just do one thing, but you also take into account other people and things related to it.

His apology made Kitano unable to even reprimand him if he wanted to...

They are this group of people, probably because they have such a good relationship, they don't treat children with the thought of "this is someone else's child" which means they are tolerant and doting on them. Kitano protects his wife, the kind who will look down upon anyone who hurts his wife. .

However, Ye Qingfeng's unintentional intention did not cause any harm this time, and he apologized so quickly that Kitano could not say anything harsh.

Yu Anran clapped his hand and said, "I'm fine. Let me go first. I'll go change clothes."

 The water that spilled just now has wet her pants, so she needs to change.

Bei Ye grabbed her hand and said, "I'll go with you."

Yu Anran shook his head, "No need, you can teach Feng'er first, I'm really fine."

After Yu Anran left, Beiye stared at Ye Qingfeng and casually scolded him for being a brat.

Ye Qingfeng escaped, turning his back to Bei Ye and making faces.

 After the older one and the younger one had been messing around in the backyard for a long time, both of them were sweating profusely and wanted to collapse on the bed.

But Yu Anran had already cooked the rice, and it smelled so fragrant that she couldn't help but run to the dining table and sit down.

Beiye and Ye Qingfeng were pushing and shouting, "You go first."

"you go first."

When Yu Anran came over with a plate, she heard the two people arguing about something, and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Ye Qingfeng answered first: "Godmother, godfather doesn't want to take a shower!"

Bei Ye: "You brat, it's obvious that you don't want to go, but I'm letting you go."

“The teacher said we should respect our elders, so I should let my godfather go first.”

 “The teacher didn’t say we should love children? You go first!”

Yu Anran understood it from the conversation between the two.

Both of them wanted to ask the other to take a shower first, and maybe they could stay here for a meal first, but neither of them wanted to go first, so it was a stalemate.

Yu Anran has a black streak on his head.

"You, and you, one upstairs and one downstairs, go quickly! You are not allowed to eat until you finish washing!" Yu Anran pointed in a direction and directly arranged the arrangements for the two of them.

The big one and the little one looked at each other, stood up sadly, and each went in a different direction.

The shower was quick, and before Yu Anran’s next dish was out of the pot, Ye Qingfeng and Bei Ye had already finished washing and came out.

This time it is clean and you can sit directly on the dining table and chairs.

The two of them sat down properly and waited for the meal to begin.

Beiye and Ye Qingfeng are not the kind of people who like to be quiet, so after a while they gathered together and sat around playing.

“Daddy, let me show you the new Transformers I got last week. I’ll collect a few more and I can claim the mysterious grand prize for the anniversary!”

 “Huh, childish.”

 “My mommy said, this is called perseverance in personal hobbies!”

Yu Anran was standing not far away holding the dish and watching, suddenly reluctant to step forward.

 (End of this chapter)

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