My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1342: Doesn’t Han Qi have no mother?

Chapter 1342 Doesn’t Han Qi have no mother?

  I was unwilling to step forward to break the atmosphere.

 She likes it very much when the Ye family brothers and sisters come to visit her, because every time she sees her children, her heart becomes very soft.

 Ever since Ye Qingfeng became Bei Ye's teacher, he came to his home more often than when he was a child, and Yu Anran also saw him more often.

Ye Qingfeng is very familiar with the couple, and their godfather and godmother are also half-parents.

 They actually doted on the Ye family brothers and sisters.

 Especially, when she saw Kitano and Ye Qingfeng getting along, she felt that the scene was particularly enjoyable.

  As if it could satisfy her dream that has always been unable to become a reality, that is, a child and a complete family.

At first she thought about adopting a child, but was blocked by Kitano. Later she figured out that in the worst case, she would not have children. As long as the two of them loved each other, they could live a good life.

  But sometimes I still think about it.

She is not a person who likes to be noisy, but when a child makes a noise at home, the feeling is different. She is very happy and satisfied.

“Godmother, godmother, please hurry up, I’m going to starve to death!”

Ye Qingfeng saw Yu Anran standing there unmoving, and waved to her vigorously, still shouting those words.

Yu Anran served all the dishes and gave the child a bowl of rice first.

 “You’re so hungry, eat quickly.”

 “Thank you godmother!”

Ye Qingfeng held the chopsticks in one hand and the bowl in the other, and responded to Yu Anran with a loud and powerful voice.

Seeing that Ye Qingfeng had received high-level service, Kitano also looked at Yu Anran eagerly, "Wife, where is mine?"

 “Wait a moment.” Yu Anran, a Buddhist, was also very obedient and willing to help him fill the meal.

 When a bowl of rice was delivered to Beiye, Beiye held her hand and said, "Of course, you sit down and eat."

He left Yu Anran here and went to serve the meal himself.

When he returned to the dining table, he saw Yu Anran picking vegetables for Ye Qingfeng. Beiye sat beside him silently, eating his own quietly.

Yu Anran also kept telling her children what they should pay attention to when eating.

“Feng’er, this vegetable is very nutritious and can increase your physical fitness. I’ve checked it and for you…”

Although there are no children at home, Yu Anran is very knowledgeable about children's safety and diet.

Ye Qingfeng basically doesn't refute the words that adults say that are good to him, and he will reciprocate them, such as pointing to Yu Anran's favorite food and saying: "Godmother, this is your favorite, you should eat more. "

“Godmother, thank you for your hard work.”

Ye Qingfeng has a sweet mouth. As long as he is willing, he can make you happy when he praises others!

Turning around, I didn’t forget to say to Kitano: “Dad, you’ve worked hard too, thank you.”

He scooped up a bowl of soup himself and used it as a wine glass to clink glasses with Kitano, "Daddy, I respect you."

 The things he does at a young age are just like those experienced and slick businessmen in the mall, which often makes Yu Anran dumbfounded.

“Eat quickly, we are adults and know what to do.”

“The teacher said that caring does not distinguish between adults and children, and we must be kind to each other.”

 “Your teacher is right.”

“Godmother, do you know Han Qi?”

 “Han Qi? Is he Han Xingye’s son?”

“That’s right! He’s Uncle Han’s son. Godmother, you know him too.”

 “I don’t know him, but I know his parents.”

“His parents?” Ye Qingfeng asked in confusion, “Isn’t Han Qi without a mother?”

 (End of this chapter)

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