My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1343: Godmother, are you giving birth to a little sister?

Chapter 1343 Godmother, are you giving birth to a little sister?

 “Who told you, every child has his own parents.”

 For a moment, Yu Anran and Ye Qingfeng understood the words at different points.

Ye Qingfeng scratched his head and said, "They all say that Han Qi has no mother and is very pitiful."

Now Yu Anran understood.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I misunderstood the meaning. Everyone has parents, but Han Qi’s mother is not with him.”

“Why? Where is Han Qi’s mother?”

 “His mother went to a far away place.”

 When facing children, they like to use some beautiful words to modify the tragic facts. They just hope that the children will not be frightened by the cruel reality and retain their inner expectations for good things.

It's just that Ye Qingfeng is not an ordinary child. As soon as he heard Yu Anran say this, he knew that Han Qi's mother might have passed away.

 But he was still a little strange, "Last time I asked Mommy, she said she wouldn't let me ask. If my godmother said that, I would understand."

At that time, he also asked Ye Yeweiwei if he agreed, but Yeweiwei just told him that he could not ask this question.

Thinking about it now, Ye Qingfeng found it strange that Mommy refused to answer.

  Yu Anran understands it in her heart.

 Because Ye Weiyi is full of obsessions like Han Xingye, it can even be said that the obsession in Ye Weiyi's heart has become a kind of paranoia.

She is unwilling and unwilling to admit the tragic fact, and she doesn’t want to face it at all!

  "Okay, okay, finish the rice in your bowl quickly, it will be cold in a while."

 “Yes, yes!”

Ye Qingfeng held the bowl and ate it in large gulps. The rice in the bowl quickly reached the bottom.


Ye Qingfeng finished his meal and sat aside to read a book.

Beiye felt sleepy and went upstairs to sleep, while Ye Qingfeng was the kind of person who couldn't sleep at noon.

 When he was young, Ye Youyi forced him to sleep, but now that he is a little older, Ye Youyi no longer forces him.

 He was sitting there reading a book by himself. It was a bit uncomfortable for the noisy child to suddenly become quiet.

Yu Anran didn't sleep. She sat next to Ye Qingfeng to chat with him.

 “How did you learn from your godfather today?”

 “My godfather is very powerful, very good.”

“Then come here often and let your godfather teach you more.”

 “Don’t worry, I won’t be polite.”

“Tell me what else you like to eat and tell your godmother. She will go out and buy it for you later.”

"Anything is fine. I'm not picky about food. Mommy said I can't be picky about food."

 “Not being picky about food is a good habit and should be maintained.”

Outsiders know that Yu Anran doesn't like to chat with others, but Ye Qingfeng is an exception.

 She likes to talk to her children more, because communicating with them does not require her to think about complicated things.

Ye Qingfeng turned a page of the book, suddenly raised his head and asked: "Godmother, do you like me very much?"

Yu Anran touched his head affectionately and said, "Of course, you call me godmother. You are also my son. Of course I like you."

“Godmother, can I ask you a question?”

"you say."

“Why don’t you have a little brother or sister? Do you and your godfather want to be a DINK family?”

 Dink family is a new term Ye Qingfeng learned.

 It's just that this sentence touched Yu Anran's taboo.

 “Children don’t understand adults’ things.”

 “I’m not a little kid, I’m a big kid.”

“Okay, you are an older child, but this is my godmother’s secret, so I can’t tell you.”

"You don't even want to tell me." Ye Qingfeng snorted and pointed at Yu Anran's belly and muttered, "Maybe the little sister is here."

 (End of this chapter)

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