My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1347: An Ran has a stomachache

Chapter 1347 An Ran has a stomachache

After learning two moves from Ye Zhiruo, Yu Anran waved her hands.

 She patted her legs and rubbed her belly.

I always feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach after dancing just now.

She calculated that this month’s menstrual period seemed to be in these days.

Yu Anran is most afraid of menstruation, as her entire condition will become very bad.

Thinking about it like this, she didn’t dare to bother anymore.

 “No, I can’t dance anymore.”

She didn’t learn to dance originally. Now she is thirty years old. Her bones are already set and she is not as tough as a child.

When Ye Zhiruo heard Yu Anran say that he wanted to give up, his first reaction was of course encouragement, "Godmother, you have to persevere. I have taught you this, and I believe you can do it too, Godmother!"

 Thinking about the time when she encouraged Ye Yiyi to dance at home, she felt even more confident.

Ke Yu Anran retorted to her, "Your mother is a good practitioner. I can't do it. I can't do it."

Although Ye Weiwei did not specialize in dancing, she had been practicing grappling and later learned judo. Although these are different from dance, the body is always in motion and has good resilience. It is completely OK to learn the basic dance moves taught by a few children.

But Yu Anran was different. Before college, she had been under the control and arrangement of Yu's mother and studied many things. After college, she never did those "active" things again.

 She has been in a static mode. It has been more than ten years now, and she is still the same as when she was young.

  "Hey, I'm going to take a breath, Ruoruo, you can also take a rest."

 “Godmother, I’m not tired.”

 “Combining work and rest, sit down and drink water.”

"Oh well."

Ye Zhiruo stopped practicing dance after listening to Yu Anran's words. When she heard Yu Anran said she was tired, she quickly ran to the kitchen to get two glasses of water, "Godmother, you drink."

The child's thoughtful actions made her feel extremely warm.

 The heart of a child is the most genuine.

 “Ruoruo, thank you.”

 “You’re welcome, respecting elders is a traditional virtue.”

   “Ruoruo is also very good at speaking Chinese.”

“Godmother, you speak so nicely, I’m very happy.” Ye Zhiruo covered her cheek to show that she was shy.

Yu Anran had a faint smile on her face and put a hand on her stomach while drinking water.

 Ye Zhiruo is a very attentive child. She noticed the little movements with An Ran at a glance, and asked with concern: "Godmother, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling sick in your stomach?"

 When the child discovered it, Yu Anran rubbed it a little twice and then let go, "It's okay, the menstrual period is coming soon."

"Ah..." If Ye Zhiruo is not a child who doesn't understand anything, she knows that the so-called "menstrual period" is the worst few days of a month for girls.

Ye Zhiruo sat next to Yu Anran and hugged her, "Then godmother should take good care of herself."

“Godmother knows, thank you Ruoruo baby for reminding me.”

 “You’re welcome.”

Sitting on the sofa to rest, Yu Anran turned on the TV and let Ye Zhiruo choose the channel.

Yu Anran sat next to her, and after a while she felt her stomach hurt even more.

 Wrinkled his brows unbearably.

 She went to the toilet and found that she was very clean and had not yet had her period.

Ye Zhiruo saw something was wrong and quickly called Beiye over.

Beiye saw that Yu Anran's face was not good, and without saying a word, he brought the family doctor over and said, "Look what's wrong with her."

This doctor was originally hired by Kitano to take care of Yu Anran during her menstrual period. The doctor thought it was this reason at first, but after checking, he found something was wrong?

 (End of this chapter)

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