My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1348: Urine test results

Chapter 1348 Urine test results

Bei Ye and Ye Jia's two brothers and sisters were standing by, staring at Yu Anran and looking at the doctor's expression.

 The expressions on the doctor's face are colorful and unpredictable.

“Doctor sister, what happened to my godmother?”

 “Yes, what’s wrong? Tell me quickly.”

 The two children were even more unsteady than Kitano, so they asked directly.

 The doctor said hesitantly, "Madam's symptoms are a bit special. I suggest you go to the hospital first."

The impatient Kitano frowned and got angry, "You mean you can't diagnose it? What's the use of me coming to you!"

 The doctor quickly bowed his head and apologized, "There is nothing serious about Madam's health. She just needs further diagnosis."

Has she already diagnosed the result? If she was treating someone else, she might just tell her directly.

 But this is Yu Anran...

Yu Anran's situation is extraordinary. If she speaks out now, the risk will be great.

 So the best way is to go to the hospital for diagnosis.

Since the doctor said this, although Beiye was unhappy and angry, he immediately picked up Yu Anran and walked out.

 “Hey, there’s no need to be in such a hurry, Kitano.”

 “Shut up and get some rest!”


Beiye often shows the strong side of a man, and Yu Anran is used to it.

Now that her stomach was really uncomfortable, she let Kitano carry her into the car.

The Ye family brothers and sisters also took steps to catch up.

“Godfather and Godmother, we’re going too!” The brother and sister said in unison, and they all got in the car.

When we got to the hospital and had to queue up for registration, Kitano's nervous expression and posture made people think he needed emergency treatment, so Yu Anran was arranged directly in front.

 During the examination, everyone except the patient and the doctor must wait outside.

Beiye paced back and forth, feeling uneasy.

The Ye family brothers and sisters now have the same expression and movements, "Godfather, don't worry, Godmother will be fine."

“Hmm.” Beiye glanced at the two of them, stopped, and punched the wall.

 The brothers and sisters of the Ye family looked at each other.

 Not long after, the people inside came out.

Yu Anran's expression was unclear, but her face seemed to be in a bad state.

Bei Ye was very worried, "Ranran? What did the doctor say?"

Yu Anran was silent and shook his head.

Beiye stuck his head out and wanted to go in to find the doctor, but was stopped by Yu Anran's sudden hand.

 “No need to go, I have to go to the bathroom now.”

 Because Bei Ye was too worried, he didn't notice anything in Yu Anran's hand for a while.

When Yu Anran went to find the toilet, Kitano followed her.

Yu Anran smiled and said, "Are you going to follow me into the women's room?"

Bei Ye had nothing to say, so he stood outside waiting.

 It turned out that the doctor wanted Yu Anran to do a urine test.

Beiye, a grown man, didn't know much about gynecological issues. He was anxious and worried until he heard a clear result.

 On the other hand, Yu Anran himself is relatively calm.

 Hand the things to the doctor, the doctor only said: "Go to the lobby to print the report in half an hour."

 The results will be available in half an hour, but it actually doesn’t take half an hour.

Beiye wanted to take a look in less than three minutes. After he walked three times, Yu Anran directly pulled him hard and pulled him next to her, "Just sit down and wait."

How could Kitano be so obedient?

Even if he was caught, wouldn’t he still have his loyal follower Ye Qingfeng?

 Three minutes later, Bei Ye looked at him and Ye Qingfeng saved him.

 “Hey, there’s a result!”

 (End of this chapter)

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