My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1360: The difference between urban people and rural people

Chapter 1360 The Difference Between Urban People and Rural People

 When they were children, they didn’t understand many things, but now they know that when they were born, they were not twins but triplets.

 They also had a sister, but... she didn't survive as well as they did.

This is not only the only heartache that Ye can't let go of, but also the regret of everyone in the Ye family.

 This is probably what everyone calls the love between brother and sister. Even if they have never met Mo Xiangnuan, they can relate to it.

That kind of unforgettable regret.

 “Okay, let’s begin.”

 The big screen on the stage has also started counting down. Ye Zhiruo took off his coat and walked out with his companions.

 The playground is divided into four areas, three grades and specially invited groups.

Those in the third grade of junior high school have already experienced the two-year anniversary of Ege Academy. They didn’t think it was interesting at first, but this year is different from the previous ones.

Egg College wanted to become famous through this school celebration, so it was held with great grandeur and a huge amount of energy and financial resources were spent. They were also full of expectations for it.

 There is an area allocated to poor primary schools.

 Egg College is also considered an aristocratic school. They not only manage the education-related work of the school, but also fund two other poor primary schools.

Not many people came from the poor primary school. Except for the lead teacher who maintained order, the two poor primary schools each sent more than a dozen people to perform.

The thin little girl that the Ye family brothers and sisters saw in the pavilion just now was also among them.

They were all wearing dancing clothes, with short sleeves and waist-revealing clothes. The whole outfit looked a bit ethnic.

 Because there are still several performances before it is their turn, they are sitting under the playground, all wearing outerwear, and because of their stage makeup, they all look the same.

They were sitting in the playground and saw the hosts on the stage wearing gorgeous and elegant dresses and slim and handsome suits. They all marveled, "Wow, they are so beautifully dressed."

“Yes, I could only see it on TV before, but I didn’t expect to see it live today.”

 This was the first time for them to see such a scene, and they were both surprised and envious.

While they were muttering, the student from Egg College sitting next to him said proudly: "What's so strange about this? The host on stage is from our class."


"Yes, we are in the second grade of junior high school, have you seen the one wearing a blue dress on the stage? That is Ye Zhiruo from our class, looks good." Speaking of being in their own class, they all have a sense of collective honor.

People who came from primary school certainly agree with beauty, but they are also confused, “But they all look like adults.”

 It doesn’t mean the appearance, but the temperament that makes them look very different from ordinary children.

The people at Egg College thought they were questioning and couldn't help but retort: ​​"We are not adults. We are all the same age. Ye Zhiruo is only 14 years old."

 At the age of 14, entering the second grade of junior high school is still relatively young.

The people in the primary school let out a soft "wow" after hearing this.

There was a bit of noise here, and the head teacher came over. All the students from Egger Academy straightened their bodies and looked at the stage, not daring to speak under the nose of the head teacher.

There were still some small voices in the crowd at the primary school, "Li Pan'er, aren't you 14 this year? You are still in sixth grade with us. You are so young."

Li Pan'er held on to the hem of her clothes and lowered her head shyly, "I, I'm not too long."

 Her life at home was not good. Due to long-term lack of nutrition, she did not grow taller and was thin. She looked like an eight or nine-year-old child.

 Because her family was poor, she went to school very late. It was her grandma who kept talking for her before her parents agreed to go to school.

 (End of this chapter)

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