My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1361: Poor Pan'er

Chapter 1361 Poor Pan'er

 “You don’t have dwarfism, do you?”

The man looked at Li Pan'er and said this, and Li Pan'er turned pale with fright.


 She put her hand on her chest and coughed twice, looking really weak.

The person next to him took a note and reminded: "Stop talking, it's officially started!"

 The host exits and the performance on the stage officially begins.

Professional lighting combined with the colorful performances on the stage made them feel like they were at the live show in the TV series.

 “That’s awesome.”


 There was endless applause and cheers, and the scene was very lively.

 Dance, songs, skits, after about one round of programs, four hosts came on stage at the same time to start the intermission question and answer time.

“Next, we will select two lucky people from the audience to answer the questions. If they answer correctly, they will receive a beautiful gift specially prepared by our ‘Eige’ Academy.”

Gifts given in the name of the school are definitely not ordinary. Whether they were watching the game intently or playing and talking in private, all the people raised their heads high and looked at the host who came down from the stage and waved.

 “Host, look over here!”

 “This way!”

 At the same time, a question about the founding history of the school was displayed on the big screen.

 “Host, this way!”

The students raised their light sticks and waved them with small hopes, hoping to be favored by the host.

 Among thousands of students, only two classmates became the lucky ones.

 After answering the questions correctly, you will get the gift bag.

 In fact, these questions have been read by the students in advance, and answering the questions is just to liven up the atmosphere and increase popularity.

 At least according to the video taken by the reporter, the students of Aige College are full of passion and fighting spirit.

The students who got the gift bag couldn't wait to open the bag, and inside it turned out to be a learning machine. It was not a valuable item for the rich second generation of Egg Academy, but if it was used as a prize in this situation, it would be very valuable. Not bad.

People from the two impoverished primary schools nearby were envious when they saw her.

 They have only seen it on TV, and now they can only watch others get rewards.

 “I envy their students from this school.”

“Don’t worry. Didn’t the teacher mention that there will be two questions and answers before? There will be a chance in the next round.” Li Paner gave some comfort to the friend next to him.

They had also read the questions before coming, and were told that there would be a question and answer that would be answered by people from their two impoverished primary schools.

Ege School’s school celebration is very diverse, not just songs and skits, but also specially invited people to perform some difficult acrobatics.

They calculated that the long performance would tire the audience at the back, so they arranged the Ye Qingfeng finale.

 After all, reporters are still waiting to interview Ye Qingfeng.

“Students, it’s time for us to get ready, everyone, get up quickly.”

The teacher came over to call people, and they immediately took off their coats, revealing their cool dance clothes, and walked to the backcourt one after another to wait in line.

  It will definitely be cold if you wear single clothes at night in autumn, and some people with weaker constitutions will stand there shivering.

Especially Li Pan'er's lips were black and blue.

“Pan’er, you look ugly, can you hold on?”

With the concerned greeting from her friend, Li Paner raised her head and glanced in the direction of the teacher. Thinking of those reprimands in the pavilion, she could only grit her teeth and insist, "Well... I can do it."

 (End of this chapter)

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