My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1364: There's something wrong with her heart

Chapter 1364 She has a heart problem

 Li Pan'er didn't know why.

The teacher spoke at this time, "Everyone knows that this prize from Egger Academy is specially prepared for our elementary school, not just for Li Pan'er. Therefore, the things inside should also be public property and not reserved for Li Pan'er alone. , understand?”

The students looked at each other and finally turned their attention to Li Paner.

 They were envious of Li Pan'er before, and while they were envious, what they wanted more was themselves.

 If you don’t get it, then treating it as public property seems to make you feel more balanced.

Thinking of this, the students nodded, "Yes, this gift is given to you by the school. Please take it out, Pan'er."

Li Pan'er was very reluctant to part with it, but faced with everyone's demands, she had to obey and could only hand the things to the teacher.

 The teacher opened it and looked at it, laughing so hard that he could hardly close his mouth.

Li Paner stood at the back, lowering his head silently.

 It was like this, it had always been like this, she had no way to resist in front of the teacher.

 Because her family had no money, she had to study at the only school in the village.

Since the performance was over, the teacher allowed them to relax and go out for a walk, but they were not allowed to leave the school.

Everyone was very happy after hearing this, because they had been full of curiosity about this school since they entered it, and they had been restricted from moving around as a group. Now the teacher's words are like an amnesty order.

They left the dormitory in groups of three and five, arm in arm.

Li Pan'er was sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling pain in her heart.

Du Heng saw that Li Pan'er stayed at the end like this, and his good friend was standing at the door waiting for him.

Du Heng is good at taking care of others, so he would definitely be worried when he saw Li Paner like this.

“Pan’er, I think you are really sick. I remember there is an infirmary at the school gate. Let’s go and have a look.”

“Brother Du Heng, my parents said that things in the city are very expensive, and medical treatment must be very expensive.”

 Actually, when Li Paner went out this time, the Li family and his wife did not give her an extra penny.

 Because the fare, food and accommodation for their performance here were all paid for by Egger College, the Li family asked Li Pan'er not to spend any money.

Du Heng understood when he heard her say this.

Having been neighbors for so many years, Du Heng has long known that in the Li family, only Grandma Li loves Li Paner, and her parents are very stingy towards her.

Du Heng touched his pocket and took out all the money.

Although Du Heng's family is not rich, he is the only son in the family. His parents dote on him and give him some money when he comes to the city.

“Look, I still have a few dozen yuan here, which should be enough.”

 It is very cheap to see a doctor in their village, and they have no idea about the prices in the city.

 But Li Paner shook his head and refused.

 Because she knew she couldn't afford it.

“No need, brother Du Heng, I’ll just sleep here for a while and I’ll be fine.”

"Your friend is still waiting for you, you go and play." Li Pan'er saw the man standing at the door, and she recognized him as Du Heng's friend Fang Yuxi.

Du Heng was a little hesitant.

Li Pan'er made a gesture of going to bed.

Du Heng stood up and left, walking out with his friend Fang Yuxi.

Li Pan'er was the only one left in the room. She couldn't sleep when she saw it was empty. She felt a little afraid of facing a strange environment, and she felt really uncomfortable.

 “Cough cough cough.”

 She clutched the clothes around her heart, lying down feeling uncomfortable and then sitting up.

  She doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. She has occasionally felt discomfort in her chest since the past two years, but it is not serious. It has become more frequent this year.


 At this time, the door was pushed open again.

 (End of this chapter)

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