My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1365: Ye Zhiruo helps Paner

Chapter 1365 Ye Zhiruo helps Paner

Du Heng and Fang Yuxi left and came back. They just saw Li Pan'er looking uncomfortable.

Du Heng dragged her out of bed regardless of the situation, "Pan'er, let's go, I'll take you to the infirmary."

Du Heng was like a big brother. He was so stubborn that she couldn't refuse. Moreover, she felt really uncomfortable now, so she followed Du Heng away.

Du Heng had seen the infirmary when he came, but each college was so big that it was difficult for them to remember the directions after walking through it once.

 “Let’s find someone to ask.” Fang Yuxi said.

Du Heng looked around and saw that beautiful figure in the crowd at a glance.

Ye Zhiruo was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, looking forward, and seemed to be walking this way.

 The beauty of the night was so dazzling that it was unforgettable for them.

 In this school, they can only call Ye Zhiruo by name.

“Classmate Ye Zhiruo!” Du Heng just shouted tentatively. Unexpectedly, Ye Zhiruo actually looked towards them and walked a few steps before arriving in front of them.

 Ye Zhiruo smiled at everyone he saw, "Were you calling me just now?"

“Yes, sorry to bother you, where is the school’s infirmary?”

 “Go straight for one hundred and fifty meters, turn left and go up the stairs.”

"Huh? But I didn't go up or down the stairs when I entered the school." Du Heng heard her directions and thought that it was different from the route he remembered.

Ye Zhiruo explained patiently, "There are two infirmaries in our school, one at the school gate and one inside the school. Where we are now, the closest one is the one I told you."


Du Heng couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

 But considering Li Pan'er's health, they didn't have time to stay longer.

When leaving, Li Pan'er also said thank you.

Her voice seemed to hit Ye Zhiruo's heart suddenly, and just one sound caught Ye Zhiruo's attention.

“So it’s you.” Ye Zhiruo took a closer look and recognized Li Paner.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Li Pan'er didn't know how to explain it, so Du Heng said for her, "Pan'er feels a little unwell. We just want to take her over now to have a look."

With the lights of the playground, Ye Zhiruo always felt a little strange when he saw Li Paner's thin and yellow face.

She couldn't help but grab the bouquet in her hand and offered, "I'll take you there, hurry up."

There were not many people who came to the infirmary at night. When Ye Zhiruo led them there, the doctor in the infirmary thought something had happened to Ye Zhiruo.

Ye Zhiruo explained: "I'm fine. There is a female classmate here who is sick. Please check on her."

Li Paner was checking inside, Du Heng and Fang Yuxi were waiting outside, and Ye Zhiruo did not leave either.

Du Heng was very fond of her and felt that the girl was not only beautiful but also kind-hearted.

“Student Ye, thank you very much. You are a good person.”

Ye Zhiruo smiled lightly and said it didn't matter, thinking: I don't like to get the good guy card.

She doesn’t even know what’s wrong with her. She hasn’t dealt with a bunch of follow-up matters for the school anniversary, and now she’s accompanying a few strangers to see a doctor?

 According to her temperament, she patiently guides people and will never accompany others exclusively.

 It was about today that I felt pity for that poor girl.

The result of the test was quickly obtained. The doctor said: "She has a cold, but she also said that her chest feels uncomfortable. In this case, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up."

 “Okay, we get it. Sorry to bother you.”

“It’s okay, I’ll write an order right now and you go to the window opposite to get the medicine.”

The doctor wrote the medicine list, but when they asked about the price, both Li Paner and Du Heng were in a dilemma.

 (End of this chapter)

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