My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1369: Someone coming to the girls dormitory

 Chapter 1369 Someone comes to the girls dormitory

After taking the medicine, Li Pan'er didn't wait for her classmates to return. She tried to sleep but couldn't fall asleep.

 At this time, she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

 “Dong dong dong—”

There was a sudden knock on the door in the empty room and floor, which made Li Pan'er startled.

She slowly approached the door of the dormitory and asked as she walked: "Who is it?"

 There was no answer at the door, but the knocking continued.

Although Li Paner was worried, she grew up in a rural area after all, so she opened the door directly.

There was a strange girl standing outside the door. Judging from her dress, she should be a student of Egger Academy.

 “Excuse me, are you Li Paner?”

 “Yes, I am.”

“Hello, my name is Yin Simiao, I am Ye Zhiruo’s friend.”

Yin Simiao is Ye Zhiruo’s classmate and friend, and was asked to come here to help guard Li Paner for a while.

Yin Simiao not only came, but also brought a bag of things.

Yin Simiao has a relatively straightforward personality. After she confirmed that the thin girl in front of her was the Li Paner she was looking for, she quickly entered the house.

Yin Simiao put the entire bag on the table, opened it before Li Pan'er could react, and waved his hand boldly, "Li Pan'er, come here and take a look. Are there any clothes you like here? Which one do you like?" Just take it away, oh, you can take two, you can take both.”

Anyway, these things were reimbursed by someone, so she didn't feel bad at all.

 But facing such a generous Yin Simiao, Li Pan'er didn't realize what was going on.

“Your name is Yin Simiao, are you Ye Zhiruo’s friend?”

 “Yes!” Yin Simiao nodded.

“Then where did Mr. Ye go?”

 “She, she went to the student union, she is awesome.”

  The structure of the student union in junior high school is relatively simple. All major matters are decided by the teacher. Only the two or three most capable people can become the teacher's assistants. They are also the envy of other students.

Yin Simiao: "Zhiruo asked me to take care of you, and also said I would bring you some clothes. You can see what you like. I think they all look good. You can take them all."

 “No, no, thank you.”

"Use it! You must use it! This is the task assigned to me, and I must complete it. If I can't complete it, it will not be easy for me to go back!"

 Ye Zhiruo had warned that if Li Paner could not accept these things, then her welfare would be gone.

The benefits promised by Ye Zhiruo are hard to come by. Of course, she will definitely, absolutely, definitely and definitely accomplish this!

No matter how Li Paner refused, Yin Simiao stuffed her bed directly after confirming her bed.

Li Pan'er said she couldn't compete with her, so she seemed to have no choice but to accept...

Yin Simiao is not formal at all here. She holds the stool by herself and gets water by herself when she feels thirsty. She doesn’t even need Li Paner to greet her.

“Hey, Li Pan’er, how did you get to know us? This is the first time I’ve seen her helping people like this. You are so awesome.”

How can it not be awesome? All the goddesses in the school have been invited.

 But Li Pan'er couldn't give her the answer.

Li Pan'er speaks very slowly and cannot keep up with Yin Simiao's out-of-the-box thinking. Yin Simiao's stand-up comedy ability is probably level 10!

Yin Simiao wanted to play with her mobile phone, but she was absolutely embarrassed to see Li Paner sitting there blankly.

So she put away her phone and planned to talk to Li Paner.

 When I think about it, I don’t know where to start the topic.

“By the way, didn’t you win the quiz prize today? Take out the learning machine and play with it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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