My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1370: Li Paner who was bullied

 Chapter 1370 Li Pan'er was bullied

"My prize..." Li Pan'er looked up at the teacher's bed opposite with a tangled expression.

“The teacher said that the prize belongs to our school and has been handed over.”

“What? The prize is for whoever is lucky to get it, it’s not handed over to the school!”

Yin Simiao has never encountered anything like this before. Why should he hand in the prize when he clearly got it?

“No, you have to go to the teacher to get the things back.”

Ye Zhiruo also said just now that if you have time, you can teach Li Paner how to use the learning machine. The result is good, the learning machine has been taken away?

“Hey, no need, that thing was originally a gift from your school to our school.”

  It was a pity when she first handed it in, but later she convinced herself that she was lucky enough to be able to study in school, and she couldn't expect too much.

But Yin Simiao couldn't understand Li Pan'er's thoughts, and she wanted to call Ye Zhiruo to talk about it on the spot.

Li Paner was anxious when he heard this!

 “Don’t call, don’t bother her anymore.”

 Li Pan'er said: "Things can play a greater role only if they are given to teachers."

If you give it to her, maybe your father will **** it away and sell it for money after you go back. Think about it, you might as well give it to the school.

Yin Simiao was stopped by Li Paner and put down the phone angrily, "I'm really convinced by you."

This little girl seems to be resigned to the situation, which is too uncomfortable.

Yin Simiao didn’t understand why Ye Zhiruo wanted to help a stranger before she came here. Now she finally knows how pitiful Li Paner is.

 The life is so different from theirs, which inspires their sympathy even more.

 Not long after, two female classmates came back to the dormitory.

Yin Simiao was relieved when her friend came back, because she could now hand in the task and leave.

"Pan'er, I'll leave now. See you next time."

Yin Simiao spoke in a lively tone, waved to Li Paner and ran out of the dormitory.

The two classmates who had just returned were confused when they saw this scene, "Pan'er? Who was that just now?"

 “Well, he is a classmate of this school.”

 “Why did the guy from Egger Academy come to our place? It’s so strange.”

 “Something happened before…”

Just as Li Paner was slowly explaining, another voice came in and interrupted her, "Hey, whose flowers are these on the table? They are so beautiful."

The man unceremoniously picked one from the large bouquet of flowers, held it up to his nose, smelled it, and praised, "This flower smells so good."

Li Pan'er subconsciously reached out her hand, but it was too late to stop her.

Seeing that the man touched his things casually, Li Pan'er was a little unhappy, "Zhao Fang, that's my thing."

The person known as Zhao Fang did not apologize to her for this. Instead, she asked with a smile: "Yours? Where did you get such beautiful flowers? You stole them from somewhere, right?"

 They saw many people sending flowers at the school anniversary today, and these ones looked similar.

 In the past, in the countryside, they would pick any beautiful flowers they saw, or take them away quietly.

Of course Zhao Fang would not have thought that someone gave it to Li Paner.

Li Paner himself clarified, "It was given to me by someone else. If you like it, you can tell me and I can give it to you, but...but..."

 Taking it without asking is considered stealing.

This approach will be very offensive to people.

"You still want to bluff me? Who would give you flowers? Not only did you steal the flowers, but you also lied. I want to file a complaint with the teacher!"

 (End of this chapter)

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