My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1374: A group of girls in the Ye family

Chapter 1374 A group of girls in the Ye family

The first thing on the top floor is the temporary dormitory of the primary school, and the door is still open at this time.

Ye Zhiruo stood at the door, raised his hand and knocked, "Excuse me, I'm looking for Li Pan'er."

 The unique voice and tone immediately attracted everyone's attention.

 Zhao Fang and Zhou Yuqing were stunned the moment they saw Ye Zhiruo!

“You, are you the host Ye Zhiruo from before?”


 “Wow, why are you here?”

 “I have something to ask Li Paner, please...” Please shout.

Before she finished saying this, Ye Zhiruo had already noticed that there was no one on Li Paner's bed.

 Zhou Yuqing came over and told her, "Pan'er was just called away by the teacher."

 “Where have you gone?”

 “It should be outside.”

"OK, thank you." Ye Zhi turned around and continued walking in the other direction of the corridor.

Yin Simiao followed behind and just turned on her phone when she saw Ye Zhiruo was about to leave again. She quickly put her phone away and said, "Zhiruo, walk slowly."

Zhou Yuqing, Zhao Fang and others were holding on to the door, watching as her back gradually became blurry in their field of vision.

 Everyone was left exclaiming, "Oh my god, it turns out that Li Pan'er really knows Ye Zhiruo."

Zhao Fang raised a question: "But you saw that Ye Zhiruo didn't have a smile on her face when she came just now, and she didn't look happy. Could it be that Li Pan'er really offended her?"

Zhou Yuqing suggested: "How about we go and have a look?"

 Zhou Yuqing glanced back, and the person behind him shook his head, "I'm not going."

Zhao Fang hesitated for a while, then stood up first and said firmly: "I'll go!"

 “I’ll go too!” Zhou Yuqing and Zhao Fang came together because they were full of curiosity about this instrument.

Li Pan'er's dormitory is the first one after going upstairs, and Li Pan'er is currently being trained at the other end of this floor.

"When your family couldn't afford to study, the principal gave you half the tuition because you were older. We didn't ask you to make any huge contribution to the school, but we didn't expect that you would care about such a small thing. "

The teacher felt that the phone call had embarrassed her, and the culprit was Li Paner!

He even pointed at Li Pan'er's forehead and asked: "You only care about personal interests and ignore the collective honor. Where have you heard the principles of life that the teacher taught you before?"

At the end of the question, another voice suddenly sounded from behind, "As a teacher, is this the attitude you use to teach your students?"

 Ye Zhiruo appeared in front of them unexpectedly.

Feeling a sudden strong momentum, the teacher couldn't help but be startled.

 “You, who are you?”

“Hello, teacher, I am Ye Zhiruo, a second-grade student at Beneige College.”

"Ye Zhiruo..." The teacher had already recognized her identity, and his expression changed instantly, as if the person who had been angry just now was not him.

The teacher asked in a gentle tone: "Student Ye, what's the matter with you coming so late?"

 The corners of Ye Zhiruo's mouth were raised, and the smile was deep, but not real.

She said to the teacher: "The student union has a precise division of labor for each of us. I want to ask Li Paner to record a video of her reflections after winning the prize. Unexpectedly, our teacher in the management office misunderstood and actually I thought I was asking the teacher to hand things over to my classmates, and I’m here to explain this misunderstanding.”

“ doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, I just said that this happened out of nowhere. It turned out that I wanted to ask Paner to record a video.”

“Then can I borrow classmate Li Paner’s time?”


  【This sister is very awesome! 】



 (End of this chapter)

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