My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1375: you can call me sister

Chapter 1375 You can call me sister

 Watching the teacher leave, Ye Zhiruo stretched out his hand and pulled Li Pan'er to his side.

"How are you?"


 “Don’t be anxious, you can tell me slowly what you want to say.”

 “I, thank you, night, night…”

Li Paner stuttered when she became nervous. The emotion just now combined with Ye Zhiruoshi's nervous mood caused the thoughts in her head to become chaotic.

“Ye, why are you so cute? If you really don’t know what to call me, you can call me Sister Ye.”

 Ye Zhiruo accepted a cheap sister with just a few words.

Yin Simiao, who was standing aside and scrolling through Weibo, couldn't help but raise his head, looked at the two of them and shook his head.

 She was shocked, okay?

 When did Ye Zhiruo become so gentle to a stranger? Back to my sister?

 In the past, when someone called her sister, she would smile and tell you, "You can call me by my name."

  But what is the situation now? Does Ye Zhiruo want to recognize the rhythm of a younger sister?

What's going on!

Yin Simiao quickly opened QQ and reported to Ye Qingfeng: This is terrible! Zhiruo actually wants to recognize his sister!

Li Pan'er's face turned red, "Thank you, thank you Sister Ye. Do you want to record a video? I, I can cooperate."

"Huh? Do you really believe it? I was just trying to save you."

"Huh?" Li Pan'er didn't expect the real reason to be like this.

The confused look also made Ye Zhiruo laugh, but she felt a little distressed when she looked at Li Paner's clear eyes.

When she came over just now, she heard the teacher scolding her. At that time, she asked the teacher if that sentence was a retort. At that time, she couldn't hold it back.

 But just after she finished that question, she thought: Li Pan'er will still be studying in school in the future. Even if she can stand up for Li Pan'er now, Li Pan'er will definitely be miserable when she is not there.

You have to be strong to do this kind of thing...

“Hey, how could you be bullied so miserably? It’s obviously not your fault, but you don’t know how to fight back even after being punished?”

“You can’t fight back.” Li Paner lowered his head and muttered softly.

The sharp-eared Ye Zhiruo really heard her words and was a little puzzled.

Ye Zhiruo told her seriously, "You have to know that in this world, blind submission will only make people step on your head and bully you wantonly. If you don't want to live a life of humiliation, you have to do it yourself." Learn to be strong.”

Li Pan'er silently remembered these words in her heart.

 Because he lied, the teacher returned all the confiscated prizes to Li Pan'er.

Probably to embolden Li Paner, Ye Zhiruo deliberately stayed in the dormitory to teach in person.

 People who have used electronic devices for a long time are familiar with some conventional buttons, but Li Paner really doesn’t understand them at all.

However, when Ye Zhiruo Zhazi taught her how to use it, he found that Li Paner's learning ability was very good, and she could remember almost everything he taught her once.

"You are very smart."

Ye Zhiruo's unstinting praise made Li Pan'er feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

 Zhou Yuqing, Zhao Fang and others sat together and whispered.

 They saw Ye Zhiruo protecting Li Pan'er before, and now they even saw how kind Ye Zhiruo was to Li Pan'er.

 They were so envious!


  Ye Qingfeng saw the message from Yin Simiao when she was about to fall asleep.

 There is a QQ account called "No Parent".

This account only paid special attention to Ye Zhiruo and Nangong Yu. There was no special reminder when Yin Simiao's message was sent, and it was a little late when he found out.

 (End of this chapter)

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