My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1377: Everyone envy her

 Chapter 1377 Everyone envies her

 The clothes inside are of the same color.

 Because Li Pan'er is relatively thin, Ye Zhiruo specially picked some short coats.

Li Pan'er caught Ye Qingfeng's attention as soon as she took it out.

Ye Zhiruo’s clothes, Ye Qingfeng is certainly impressed.

 He remembered that Ye Zhiruo had just bought the coat and had not worn it yet, and now it was in Li Pan'er's hands.

It seems that Yin Simiao told him yesterday that Ye Zhiruo is very special to Li Paner, but now it seems that he is not ordinary special.

 Ye Zhiruo seems to be quite easy-going, but she is very possessive of her belongings!

These things can be given to a strange girl at will. What is the charm of this girl?

Ye Qingfeng vaguely remembered that Ye Zhiruo had done such a thing a long time ago.

At that time, it seems that he also gave all his extra clothes to a little girl, but too much time passed and they were too young at the time to remember who that person was.

Li Pan'er took out one piece of clothing, and then another.

 When she was about to put the study supplies in, Zhou Yuqing next to her saw the clothes she was holding in her hand.

Zhou Yuqing asked curiously: "Hey? Whose clothes do you have in your hand, Pan'er?"

"Someone gave it to me." Since those people didn't trust her yesterday, she didn't even use the name "Ye Zhiruo".

 But Zhou Yuqing reacted smartly at this time, "Is this also given to you by Ye Zhiruo?"


Zhou Yuqing took the initiative to mention Ye Zhiruo, as if admitting a certain identity.

Zhou Yuqing couldn't help but reach out and touch the material of the clothes, and sighed: "This clothes is so comfortable to touch, and it is also very warm inside."

“Yes, Sister Ye’s stuff is naturally very good.”

"I really envy you. We came here together, but you are lucky. If you get involved with Ye Zhiruo in the future, we will have to leave. Do you think it's a pity?"

“Now we are leaving, and we will never see each other again. I’m actually very reluctant to part with you.”

“That’s right, after all, you won’t have these good things when you get home.”

"That's not what I meant. I think Sister Ye is very good to me, so I don't want to let her go." Ye Zhiruo gave her a very close feeling, so she really didn't want to let her go.

“Hey, you said that Ye Zhiruo has been so good to you, why don’t you come to see you off if you want to leave now?”

 Li Pan'er shook his head.

 She doesn’t know and doesn’t mind.

 Ye Zhiruo has helped her enough, so you can’t be too greedy.

Li Paner worked hard to stuff everything into the big white bag.

Zhao Fang suddenly came over and patted Li Paner on the shoulder, "Hey, that person over there seems to have been looking at you."

Ye Qingfeng showed his profile, and at first glance he couldn't identify who it was.

When Zhao Fang said this, several people looked at him curiously.

Before Ye Qingfeng wanted to come forward, he took a few steps back.

At this time, Du Heng was surprised to find someone coming in front of him, "Pan'er, look who that is."

Who is that?

 Isn’t it the same Ye Zhiruo that I was talking about just now?

Today, Ye Zhiruo has changed her outfit again. She wears a high-collar white sweater, a long gray windbreaker, and a pair of black boots, which make her taller and straighter.

With her long hair tied into a high ponytail, Ye Zhiruo’s dress style today is very cool.

The outfit is completely different from yesterday, which is almost unbearable.

As soon as Ye Zhiruo came over, everyone tacitly made way for them.

 After what happened last night, who didn’t know that he was special to Li Pan’er?

 (End of this chapter)

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