My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1378: Her eyes are very similar to yours

Chapter 1378 Her eyes are very similar to yours

 Ye Zhiruo is indeed here for Li Pan'er.

 She handed a note to Li Pan'er, "If we meet again by chance, you can come find me."

 The note contained her home address and contact information.

Li Pan was the first person to receive such favorable treatment from Ye Zhiruo when he was a child.

When Li Paner heard this sentence, his heart felt so weak that his eyes seemed to become wet all of a sudden.

 No one has ever been so kind to her.

 Since childhood, only her grandma has been the best to her. The relationship between the two is incomparable. For a person who has just known each other for less than a day, Ye Zhiruo is particularly good to her.

  She didn’t understand, and became even more confused, “Sister Ye, why are you so nice to me?”

 “Do you want to listen to the truth?”

 “Huh?” Is there still a lie?

 “I’m teasing you, I’m treating you well, maybe I think we are destined.”

 Ye Zhiruo looks great when she smiles sincerely.

Zhao Fang and Zhou Yuqing stood watching, feeling a little jealous in their hearts.

But they are only eleven or twelve-year-old children. They are just jealous, and they don’t have any bad intentions.

Ye Zhiruo and Li Pan'er stood very close to each other. Due to the height difference, Ye Zhiruo had to lower his head slightly when talking to Li Pan'er.

Zhao Fang and Zhou Yuqing took a closer look at the side.

Zhou Yuqing suddenly said: "I found that Pan'er and Ye Zhiruo look a bit similar."

"Like?" Zhao Fang shook her head, "Are you stupid? There is no resemblance between the two of them. They are so different, okay?"

 Let alone the difference in height and temperament, it is also very obvious just by looking at the appearance.

Ye Zhiruo has an excellent figure, her face is rosy and shiny like white jade, and her skin is fair and translucent. At first glance, she looks like a pampered girl from a wealthy family.

 In comparison, Li Pan'er's body is thin and there is no vitality in his face. Because I have been exposed to the sun all year round in the countryside, my skin is a little yellowish and a little black, and my skin is even rougher.

Looking at them at this glance, who said they didn’t look like that?

 Zhou Yuqing sighed, "The looks are definitely incomparable, I mean the eyes are a bit similar."

“You can’t say that you care about her so much because of her eyes like Ye Zhiruo, right?”

 “Who knows, anyway, I don’t have such good luck.”

 After saying a few goodbyes, the bus taking them back had already entered the school gate.

The last scene that stayed in Li Pan'er's eyes and heart was Ye Zhiruo smiling and waving to her.

After the primary school students got on the bus, Ye Qingfeng also walked out from behind the big tree.



 Ye Zhiruo had long known that Ye Qingfeng was standing there, and was not surprised at all by his appearance.

 Ye Qingfeng asked: "Why?"

Ye Zhiruo shook his head and replied: "I don't know." Although he didn't explain clearly what the question was, Ye Zhiruo could understand it in his heart.

 However, she couldn't give an accurate answer.

Ye Qingfeng looked towards the school bus. Li Paner was still sitting by the window, with his hands on the glass, looking at Ye Zhiruo.

Ye Qingfeng vaguely saw Li Paner in the car, and he suddenly turned his head to avoid that sight.

Every time he saw Li Paner, he had a strange feeling in his heart.

 He thought, "That girl is very strange."

Ye Zhiruo was puzzled, "Brother, what do you mean by this? I'm just a child, what's weird about it."

Ye Zhiruo didn't know that Li Pan'er was actually the same age as them, so she only thought that Li Pan'er was an eleven or twelve-year-old child in sixth grade.

Ye Qingfeng suddenly stretched out his hand, touched the corners of her eyes with his fingers, and said, "Her eyes are very similar to yours."

 (End of this chapter)

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