My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1379: hateful father

 Chapter 1379 The Abominable Father

Li Paner and others were greatly praised when they returned to school, and the school even held a welcome party for them.

The learning tools obtained by their dance team belong to themselves, but they are still thinking about the learning machine in Li Pan'er's hand.

 The teacher no longer forced her to hand it in.

Li Pan'er sat down with her learning machine in her arms. After the teacher finished telling her thoughts about going to Egger Academy, she handed over the learning machine.

 Teachers and classmates are full of praise for her.

Li Pan'er had an unreal smile on her face, and kept her head down after that.

 She is already lucky enough and cannot expect too much.

Since I have to hide it after taking it back, I might as well put it in school to benefit other students, so as not to be sold by my father for money.

After school in the afternoon, Li Paner returned home carrying a schoolbag and a big bag.

When walking at the door, she first put the things in her big pocket in the windmill outside the door, still carrying the worn schoolbag.

She pretended to inadvertently go to both doors and looked at them. After confirming that no one was there, she took the big bag and hid it under the bed.

There is no way, her room is very small, there is only a bed and a table, and things are stacked next to the cabinet, so there is no room for anything.

Li Paner breathed a sigh of relief after putting everything away.

 She wants to go to her grandma.

Grandma Li also lives in this village, but she does not live with them.

Grandma Li lived with Li Paner's grandfather when she was young. Later, Grandpa Li left, and Grandma Li lived alone in that tiled house, a short distance away from their home.

Li Pan'er was about to close the door when a rough voice came from behind.

 “Li Pan’er!”


Li Paner was caught off guard and startled.

 She turned around and saw Li's father approaching with great momentum.

Li Pan'er couldn't help but take a few steps back, because Li's father's current appearance made her feel scared.

“Pan’er, what good things did you get in the city this time?”

 “No, it’s nothing…”

“Li Pan’er, you are incredible. Now everyone is praising you for being sensible.”

 “Dad...Dad, what’s wrong?”

 “What’s wrong? Are you still embarrassed to ask me?”

Father Li approached step by step, raised his hand and slapped Li Pan'er.

Li Pan'er turned her head subconsciously, just in time to avoid the slap.

This move angered Father Li even more. Father Li stepped forward, grabbed her arm, pulled her over, and slapped her on the back.

  It's about the size of a broken palm. A slap from an adult man on a child's body hurts a lot.

Li Pan'er's eyes were so painful that her eyes popped out.

Father Li finally told the reason for his anger, "You got a learning machine in the city, and you actually handed over such a good thing to the school? Who taught you to do that! I gave birth to you and raised you, why don't you think about your family? think!"


 Faced with the questioning, Li Pan'er couldn't say anything to refute.

Putting his palms on his cheeks, he was trembling with fear.

 Her submissive look is the best way for Father Li to vent his anger.

Father Li almost raised his hand and slapped him again, but suddenly thought of something and stopped in time.

 He kicked Li Pan'er and ordered: "Go and get that learning machine back from the labor force!"

Li Paner shook his head, "Dad, the learning machine belongs to the school and cannot be taken back."

Father Li directly carried her thin little body out and threatened: "I don't want to hear these nonsense from you! If you can't take it out, get out and don't ever enter my house again!"

 (End of this chapter)

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