My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 139: Return the pendant given by my brother

Chapter 139 Returning the pendant given by my brother

Ye Weiwei chased him out and naturally grabbed Ye Xichen's arm.

Ye Xichen lowered his eyes, the upper thread fell between the touching fingers, and then gently brushed it away.

“I have something else to do, so let them take you back.”

If it was Ye Weiyi before, she would choose to be obedient, but now she takes the initiative: "What's the matter? I want to go with you!"

He said he had to go to the company for something, but he refused to let her follow him, and gave Nangong Luo a look.

Nangong Luo hurriedly stepped forward to stop Ye Youyi, "Little ancestor, the boss is doing business. If you go, it will definitely affect the boss. Let's go back."

"Influence..." Ye Weiwei muttered these two words, and his already somewhat disappointed mood became even deeper.

"Nangong Luo, what are you talking about?" Gong Qianli rubbed his forehead and pushed Nangong Luo aside to cool down, then turned around and coaxed him in a good-natured voice, "Brother Chen must be angry because of official business, and I'm afraid you might rush him if he follows. Let’s vent your anger and let’s go back and get some sleep.”

Birds of a feather flock together. When she was alone in No. 2 Middle School, she would be stronger.

On the contrary, in front of this group of friends who are as familiar as family members, she will automatically put down her guard and become weak.

 She did not go home at night and went to Gong Qianli's place to stay all night.

 When I got up and packed my schoolbag the next day, I felt that something seemed to be missing. I picked up the book coin zipper and was surprised to find that the cherry blossom pendant originally hanging on my schoolbag had disappeared.

 She rummaged around the room where she slept last night.

When he met Gong Qianli, he grabbed her and asked, "Liuli, did you see a pink cherry blossom pendant?"

Gong Qianli of course shook her head.

 If she saw it, she would definitely give it back to Ye Yiwei.

Ye Ziyi reluctantly searched around the road he walked last night, thinking about it and wanted to find the place where the party was held last night.

Gong Qianli pulled her and said, "Don't go. If it falls somewhere, the cleaners will notify us if they find it."

 In other words, since there is no notification, it means that it was not picked up.

Ke Ye was the only one unwilling to give in, "I must go, it's a gift from my brother."

Knowing that Ye Weiwei's temperament valued Ye Xichen more than herself, Gong Qianli couldn't resist her, so she could only compromise, "Let's go, let's look around."

Of course, the result was that she couldn't find it. She searched every corner and couldn't find any trace.

She even wanted to squat down and search for the bottom of the table, but Gong Qianli quickly stopped her, "Don't do it. Your schoolbag can't walk. Even if it falls, it won't fall down there."

 “But what if the cleaning staff accidentally sweeps it in?”

“…” Gong Qianli was speechless.

 But in the end, the pendant was not found.

Even, Ye Xichen didn't even find the pendant.

after one day.

 Many people were immersed in catching up on homework and "copying" homework when they went to school on Monday, except for the one who was lying on the table at night when he was usually in good spirits.

An Ruan suddenly picked up the pink pendant and slowly lowered it.

The only thing in Ye's sight that felt empty was a flash of pink. She blinked and suddenly held the pink pendant tightly in her palm.

 “My pendant!”

“Yes, your pendant fell down when you went to my house to play. I brought it to you.”

 Ye Weiwei turned the pink pendant over in his hand and was overjoyed after confirming that it was not damaged.

An Ruan asked: "Seeing that you are so happy, is a small pendant important to you?"

 “Of course, this is a gift from my brother!”

“Your brother gave it to you?” An Ruan raised the corner of his mouth, “I called you the day before yesterday, and it seems that your brother answered the phone…”

 “What? What did you say?”

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 (End of this chapter)

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