My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 140: he doesn't care

Chapter 140 He doesn’t care

“I called you just to tell you that I have the pendant. I also asked if I wanted to send it over, but your brother said it wasn’t important, so I just... I just brought it to you today.”

 “Not important?” Ye Weiwei subconsciously held the pendant in his hand tighter.

An Ruan nodded, with a very serious expression when he spoke, "Well, he threw it away at the time, but I think it's better to give it back to you..."

Seeing her look like this, Ye Weiwei was stunned for a few seconds, staring at the thing in his hand and whispering, "Throw it can you throw it away."

 She opened her palms and her eyes fell on the pink cherry blossom pendant, her eyes wandering.

That was the last time she passed the preliminary round of the singer competition at the "Xingyao" Academy. She walked off the stage and was extremely nervous.

Ye Xichen took out the pendant as if by magic, and the girl's heart was filled with pink cherry blossoms, which is the warm color that little girls love most.

She was overjoyed, feeling that all the gloom in her heart was illuminated by the sunshine he gave her.

She still remembered that Ye Xichen personally hung the cherry blossom pendant on her schoolbag for her.

 She will treasure the gifts he gives, no matter whether they are good or bad.

 Because she felt that those things were important and precious to her, but she never knew whether the person giving the gifts had the same thoughts.

  Yes, an exquisite gift is just a matter of words to my brother.

It is impossible to say that this small thing was just bought by her brother on a whim. She was the only sister around, so he gave it to her as a reward.

  When thinking of this, Ye Weiwei suddenly felt filled with panic.

 “Xiao Li, are you okay?”

 “’s okay.”

 She finally came to her senses.

 Ye Weiyi thought about it again and again, and finally hung the pendant back on her school bag.

 She didn't see Ye Xichen for three days in a row, and she severely scolded Shirley several times during training at the bar in the evening.

Shirley was quite dissatisfied with her slack performance, "What's wrong with you? You've been absent-minded these past few days. The training effect is not strong. What should I do if I get injured?"

“Master, I’m sorry.” She subconsciously stood up straight and bowed her head to apologize.

Shirley said coldly: "You are not sorry!"

These words hit Ye Yiyi’s heart.

 Master Shirley’s words are the same as what her brother said.

  None of them seemed to need her apology, but she didn't know what to do except apologize.

 What can be done to satisfy them?

 Ye Youwei decided to stay and practice for an extra hour tonight, but Shirley said that he didn't have time to stay with her for an extra hour.

 Elder brother Gao Mengnan volunteered to stay and mentor the younger junior sister, but Ye Weiwei couldn't refuse.

The senior brother expressed his fondness for this soft little junior sister, but it was limited to the friendship between the same disciples.

The senior brother also told her, "Master is not blaming you, Master is just in a bad mood."

 “Why is Master in a bad mood?”

“Because Master’s ex-boyfriend came back to look for her, just today…”

Elder brother’s chatterbox was endless as soon as he opened it. Master Shirley and her ex-boyfriend were together for about three years. The ex-boyfriend thought she was not feminine enough and eventually broke up. But now he comes back to beg for forgiveness, which makes Master Shirley very angry!

 But this is not the point. The point is, "Senior Brother, why do you know so many things about Master? Did you also listen to what others said?"

"Hey, if you really care about someone, you will naturally find ways to understand everything about him."

Elder brother's words took root in Ye Weiwei's heart.

 “Senior Brother, I won’t practice today, I’m going to find someone!”

Can you tell whether An Ruan is good or bad?



 (End of this chapter)

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