My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1392: Go find Ye Zhiruo

Chapter 1392 Go find Ye Zhiruo

 “Heart disease? No way.”

Fang Yuxi heard more things from Dr. Ying, and he suddenly remembered, "Pan'er already knows Miss Qianjin in the city. When he came back last time, the young lady told Pan'er to come to her if anything happened. How about giving it a try?”


 Doctor Ying has not seen it with his own eyes, so he cannot say for sure about this kind of thing.

Fang Yuxi also heard that Li Paner had only known Miss Ye for a day, which made her even more worried.

  “Maybe it’s just a whim.”

 “I think Miss Ye is quite nice.”

  A girl feels pity for another girl. Although this kind of fate is difficult to understand, when a person is in a desperate situation, he has to try every method to know the result.

 “But we don’t know how to contact him either.”

“You have to ask Li Paner about this.”

Li Paner slept for a day and a night, during which time Dr. Ying gave her medicine to nourish her body.

 In the afternoon, Li Paner finally woke up.

 She woke up and found that she was not at home. She was still confused for a while.

 It wasn’t until Dr. Ying came in that I realized this was someone else’s house.

 “Me, why am I here?”

 “Have you forgotten how you fainted?”

 “I fainted?”

 “It seems you really don’t remember.”

 There is no doubt about this issue.

Li Paner and Dr. Ying talked with each other and found out that she fainted at home yesterday and it was already the second day.

 She was abandoned by her parents at someone else’s house…

Although I know that I am not liked by my parents, I still can’t help but feel sad when this happens.

 Doctor Ying tentatively mentioned the matter of Ye Zhiruo.

Fang Yuxi happened to be here at this time.

“Pan’er, didn’t Miss Ye like you very much last time? How about you try to ask her for help?”

“Ask Sister Ye for help? What are you doing?”

“Of course I’m borrowing money to see a doctor. I’ve heard from my uncle that you have a heart problem. Didn’t the doctor at the Egg College infirmary recommend you go to the hospital for a checkup last time?”

Li Paner understood what Fang Yuxi meant.

Fang Yuxi wanted her to go to Ye Zhiruo to borrow money for medical treatment.

Li Pan'er shook his head subconsciously, "Why are you so embarrassed to trouble others?"

 Don't bother others over and over again just because they are kind-hearted. This approach will be considered shameful.

"You can't think like that. You really have no choice. Is your life more important than your face?"


Li Paner did not give an answer.

Doctor Ying tried to smooth things over, "Okay, you two little guys, please stop frowning. I'm going to say a few words and you can hear whether this is true."

"Pan'er, you are sick now and have to go to the hospital for examination, but we are powerless to help you. If the method Yu Xi said is really feasible, you might as well give it a try. People living in this world must communicate with each other. Help, you are asking for help, and you are not taking advantage of others, right?”

“You can make everyone feel at ease after getting checked. We don’t have money now, but you can work hard to make money and pay it back to others in the future.”

 Doctor Ying tried his best to provide psychological counseling to Li Paner.

 At this point, Li Paner began to hesitate.

 Is there really something wrong with her heart?

Li Paner wrote a series of numbers on the palm of her hand. Those were the contact information Ye Zhiruo left for her at that time, and she had memorized them by heart.

“Sister Ye...can I ask you for help?”

 Is she really going to find Ye Zhiruo?

 (End of this chapter)

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