Chapter 1393 Dancing

 Doctor Ying once said: "Heart problems can be big or small, and they may be fatal."

 “You might die.”

Li Pan'er's condition is very special, and Dr. Ying did not deliberately say that she was fine just to comfort her.

 Only by saying something more serious can Li Pan'er make up his mind.

 She remembered her grandma’s last words, she wanted to live well!

Doctor Ying handed his mobile phone to Li Pan'er. Li Pan'er held it tightly in his hand. For a long time, he dialed a number that he knew by heart.


 “Come on, raise your hand and turn to the right.”

 “Yes, look here, teacher.”

 In the spacious dance room, about a dozen girls in dance practice clothes were studying seriously with the teacher.

 The bright mirror reflected their graceful figures and beautiful faces.

Ye Zhiruo's cell phone glowed in her backpack, but no one knew it.

 By the time a round of practice was over, I was still sweating from dancing in this winter.

“Zhiruo, you have made great progress recently.”

"Thank you, teacher."

Ye Zhiruo took a breath and turned on her cell phone to check the messages as a habit. She found that there was a missed call, and it was not from this city.

Just as a QQ message window of Yin Simiao popped up, Ye Zhiruo clicked on it and said a few words to her friends.

As for the phone number with only one call record, Ye Zhiruo thought it was someone else's wrong call and didn't pay much attention to it for a while.

Someone came over and patted her on the shoulder, humbly asking for advice, "Hey, Zhiruo, can you help me see this dance move?"

 Ye Zhiruo smiled and nodded, "Okay."

 She would come here to learn dance on weekends, and she had always been like this.

But school is about to end, and the dance studio is out.

 Ye Qingfeng stepped on the spot to pick up people.

“Zhiruo, your brother is so kind to you. He comes to pick you up from get out of class every week.”

“He has to obey the tasks issued by the queen at home.”

Ye Zhiruo's brother is really the "Guoqian brother" type, even if Ye Qingfeng is labeled as "Twenty-four filial brothers", it is not an exaggeration.

 Ye Zhiruo handed the satchel to Ye Qingfeng and went to the dressing room to change clothes.

 After coming out, the two brothers and sister left together again.

“Brother, I heard that your Taekwondo team has a small test today. Did you pass it?”

“Heh, don’t look at who your brother is. Do you still need to ask this question? The answer is obvious!”

 “You are narcissistic again.”

 That’s right, Ye Qingfeng is learning Taekwondo not far away.

The two brothers and sisters have always had a rich life in their spare time. They do not want to be playboys. They regard learning as a motivation to become excellent, and they are willing to do it.

“By the way, my phone is out of battery. Lend me your phone to make a call.”

 “It’s in the bag, look for it.”

Ye Zhiruo put her cell phone in her bag, and Ye Qingfeng touched it at once.

He knew the unlocking password without asking. Ye Qingfeng called his good friend and hung up after a few words.

Ye Zhiruo couldn't help teasing him, "Brother, you are saving me phone bills."

“As for the phone bill, I’ll charge you as much as you want.”

 “Hey, rich guy, give me a hug.”

At this moment, the mobile phone in Ye Qingfeng's hand lit up again, "There's a call coming in."


 “Unfamiliar number.”

Ye Zhiruo took the phone over.

At a glance, she remembered the strange phone number that did not belong to this city.

 Called twice in a row and she answered.


“Hello, yes, are you Ye Zhiruo?”

 (End of this chapter)

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