My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1398: Treatment costs a lot of money

Chapter 1398 Treatment requires a lot of money

After seeing Li Paner, Ye Weiwei made a decision quickly, "I will pay for this medical expenses!"

 Ye Zhiruo: “???”

 There are still people rushing to do this.

 “Mommy? Really?”


 “That’s great, I’ve kept my lucky money.”

 “This year’s New Year’s money will be confiscated.”

Ye Zhiruo quickly covered her mouth with her hands, "Mommy, you are a rich man, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Ye Weiwei had never been in close contact with such a pitiful child. Li Paner's body was as thin as skin and bones.

Although I haven’t had any contact with Li Paner yet, these children look like poor children. If she can help this child with some money, it will be a very valuable thing.

 Ye Youwei is an adult who has experienced many things, and has arranged things more comprehensively than Ye Zhiruo.

Considering that Dr. Ying alone could not take care of Li Paner 24 hours a day, she hired a professional nurse to take care of her.

 Doctor Ying is very grateful to them.

When Li Paner woke up, the sky was already dark.

She saw Dr. Ying sitting on the side reading a book. She sat up on the bed and called out, "Uncle Ying."

Dr. Ying, who was looking seriously, was called away by the small voice. Seeing that Li Pan'er was awake, he felt relieved.

 “Uncle Ying, how long have I slept?”

 “It’s been most of the day, no, it’s already dark.”

 Having fallen asleep until now, I haven’t woken up at all.

Li Paner knocked her head and sighed, "I really don't feel anything at all."

 “It’s okay, I’ll be fine once I receive treatment.”

“By the way, where is Sister Ye?”

"She has gone home. By the way, her family also came to the hospital to see you this afternoon. Mrs. Ye said that she is willing to bear all your medical expenses."

“Mrs. Ye, is Sister Ye’s mother?”


“They are such a nice family, I don’t even know how to repay them.”

“Pan’er, you are still young, and treatment is the most important thing. We can do other things slowly.”

 Doctor Ying has not even told her the huge cost of treatment.

 “Dong dong.”

 The nurse knocked on the door and came in with dinner.

Li Pan'er didn't know that this was the only nurse specially invited for her in the night, and she was pleasantly surprised, "Uncle Ying, the hospitals in the city also take care of the food."

 She opened the lunch box and looked at it. The contents inside looked very appetizing.

 “Wow, it smells so good.”

 The nurse put the dishes and chopsticks on her side and said nothing.

“Uncle Ying, come and eat together.”

 Li Pan'er's invitation came from her heart.

As expected, Dr. Ying put down his book and came over, only to find that there was only a pair of bowls and chopsticks in the lunch box.

The nurse said apologetically: "Sorry, I am only responsible for taking care of Miss Li. Sir, you..."

Doctor Ying patted his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm not very hungry yet. I'll go out to eat when I get hungry later."

Li Pan'er also thought it was just food for patients and didn't think much about it.

 Doctor Ying touched his stomach, but he was still hungry after all.

“Well, nurse, please keep an eye on me. I’ll go out to eat something and I’ll be right back.”


 After Dr. Ying left, Li Paner enjoyed the food quietly.

 Because she was sick, she specially made something light but nutritious, but it was already a delicacy for her.

 “Ms. Li, if you need anything, just call me.”

“Sister nurse, just call me by my name. My name is Li Paner.”

The nurse lowered her eyes and wanted to laugh when she heard the name.

I don’t understand how this kind of person got involved with the Ye family.

 (End of this chapter)

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