My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1399: The transformation from poverty to wealth

Chapter 1399 The reversal from poverty to wealth

Li Pan'er finished her meal, took her lunch box and asked, "Where can I wash the dishes?"

When the nurse heard this question, she curled her lips and said, "Ms. Li, there's no need to wash this. I'll just take it out and throw it away later."

 “Throw it away? Throw away the dishes and chopsticks?”

 “Yes, these are all one-time use.”

Li Paner felt unbelievable at what she said.

Although these bowls are not made of porcelain, they look very nice, but why do you throw them away after just one meal?

 This matter is really beyond the scope of her understanding.

“I think this bowl is quite good. It can be used next time after cleaning it, so don’t throw it away.”

“Ms. Li, you don’t need to worry about these things. You just need to rest and recover.”

 The nurse took the dishes and chopsticks from her hands, took them out and threw them into the trash can.

Li Paner is still a little confused.

 From the time she woke up to now, the attitude, names, and food of others towards her have all changed dramatically.

 When she was at home, the Li family and her husband would always yell at her and ask her to do various things.

Now people call her by honorific titles. She doesn't have to wash the dishes herself when eating such good food. Is this? Has she fallen into another world?

 Next, Li Paner discovered that every time she wanted to do something, the nurse had already prepared it for her. She just needed to enjoy it.

Li Pan'er couldn't adapt for a while, and she even suspected that she was dreaming.

When Dr. Ying came back, Li Paner called Dr. Ying over and asked quietly: "Uncle Ying, that nurse sister does a very comprehensive job. Are all the nurses in this hospital like this? Isn't it very expensive?"

Doctor Ying comforted her, "You don't have to worry about these things now. You are a patient and need to take good care of yourself. If you continue to do those tasks, your condition will definitely recur, and you may never be able to cure it."

 Hide half-truths and half-truths about money.

Li Pan'er has not experienced any major right or wrong apart from the hardships of life since she was a child. She has a relatively simple mind and is easily fooled.

What’s more, she trusts Doctor Ying very much and always feels that what Doctor Ying says is right.

Li Paner spent a day lying in the hospital, and she realized that she had never been so leisurely.

 Sleep when you want to sleep. When you don’t want to sleep, you can also go for a walk outside to breathe fresh air.

 But at the same time, she also had a lot of uneasiness in her heart.

  She was thinking: Do mom and dad know she is here? What would you do if you knew?

She was thinking: Can her disease really be cured all at once? How much does it cost to treat the disease? Can she pay it back to Ye Zhiruo if she works hard to make money in the future?

 The things that bothered her were actually related to money.

 For the Li family, money can solve those problems.

Li Paner’s guess was not wrong either.

At that time, the Li family and his wife searched the whole village but could not find Li Paner. Dr. Ying thought that he could hide it, but he did not want anyone in the village to see Dr. Ying taking Li Paner away, so he leaked the news.

When the Li family couple heard that Dr. Ying had taken Li Paner to the city, they turned around and went to the Ying family to cause trouble.

Mrs. Ying had no choice but to tell them: "My man took Pan'er to the city for medical treatment. If you think it's not possible, you can bring the money or go to the city to bring him back."

The Li couple thought about it together and thought: It would be great to be able to treat their daughter without having to pay for it herself!

 When Li Pan'er gets treatment and returns home, wouldn't he be able to do better things for them?

Thinking about it this way, the Li family and his wife immediately went home. When they went out to work, they would always take a detour when they saw Mrs. Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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