My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1400: How dare a nurse bully her for being poor?

Chapter 1400: How dare the nurse bully her for being poor?

 After all the results of Li Paner's physical examination came out, the doctor's advice was to observe first.

 The most important thing is to take a good rest and rest!

Doctor Ying stood there with her hands on her hips, looking a little embarrassed, "If she goes back with Pan'er, the two people from the Li family will definitely let her do all those dirty and tiring jobs again. There will be no way for her to rest."

 Ye Zhiruo learned about this and told Li Pan'er to stay in the hospital as if he was being kept for observation.

 The doctor agreed.

But he has been in the city for three days and can no longer stay with Li Paner.

 He told Ye Zhiruo about this in private, and Ye Zhiruo reassured him.

 “Don’t worry, there are caregivers watching over you, don’t worry.”

For this reason, the Ye family hired another caregiver, and asked the previous one to be responsible for the daytime and this one to be responsible for the night.

 Dr. Ying saw how kind Ye Zhiruo was to Li Pan'er, so he felt relieved and said goodbye to Li Pan'er for the time being.

 After Dr. Ying left, Li Paner was a little confused.

  She was left alone in this strange place, feeling helpless.

 If you have to go to class at night during the day, you can't even visit if you want to.

Ye Zhiruo was afraid that she would be bored and gave her a mobile phone with several popular games on it.

Li Pan'er didn't know how to play with a smartphone yet, so she had to ask the nurse who looked after her for help.

“Sister nurse, how do you play this game?”

 You need to log in to the mobile game, but Li Paner doesn’t even have an account.

 After asking this question several times, the nurse became a little annoyed, "Why don't you even know this?"

Li Pan'er was sensitive to her dissatisfaction, so she had no choice but to hold her mobile phone and study it.

 Finally she became obsessed with Xiaoxiaole.

 The nurse has been here for a long time and gradually knows about Li Pan'er.

The two nurses stood together during the afternoon shift. During the day, they couldn't help but mutter a few words, "She's just a wild girl from the countryside. She was lucky enough to get help from a rich family. In fact, she is as stupid as an idiot. This I don’t understand either. I said I should throw away the things, but she said it was a waste and insisted on picking them up.”

 “Oh, we can just get the salary anyway.”

"You are lucky. She goes to bed early at night and you don't have to worry too much, but I have to watch over her during the day."

The caregiver who was keeping watch at night tugged on her arm.

As soon as the nurse guarding Tiantian finished speaking, another cold voice came from behind, "Since you are so unwilling, then you won't be able to come from tomorrow!"

Ye Youwei walked over expressionlessly and glanced at the nurse, who immediately panicked.

“Mrs. Ye, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize to me, just pack your things and leave. You won’t come back tomorrow.”

"Mrs. Ye, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Please give me another chance."

 “Don’t make me talk nonsense.”

No matter how much the nurse apologized, Ye Weiwei would never relent.

Seeing Ye Weiyi enter the ward, she even wanted to go in and ask for forgiveness, and wanted to use Li Pan'er to let her stay, but Ye Weiyi's look told her to shut up.

 She seemed to read the threat from Ye Weiwei's eyes: If she had said a few more words, the consequences would have been even worse!

The nurse was filled with regret.

 Almost no one came to visit Li Pan'er, not to mention that it was time to get off work. She just complained casually but was the only one who caught the action the other night. It was really unlucky!

Li Paner had no idea about this matter.

  After the only one entered that night, Li Paner looked at her very seriously.

 (End of this chapter)

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