My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1402: my children

 Chapter 1402 My children

 Li Pan'er received the basic book the next day.

  It was not the grade-level knowledge she had learned, but some books on literature.

 The content in the book is presented in different stories, which looks very interesting and you can learn some knowledge from it.

Li Paner is addicted to reading. She reads while sitting on the bed or taking a walk outside.

She was walking along the corridor when a child holding a toy ball hurried over.

 Accidentally bumped into each other, the ball rolled down, and the child sat on the ground and cried.


Li Pan'er was startled and quickly bent down to pull the child up. Unexpectedly, a middle-aged woman suddenly crawled out and pushed her away.

Li Paner was pushed away unexpectedly, her body hit the railing, and she felt a pain in her back.

The woman picked up the child and comforted her, "Chengcheng, Chengcheng, don't cry. Who bullied you? Mom, help you teach her a lesson."

 “She took my balloon away.”

The child over two years old could not express his meaning clearly. He only knew that the ball rolled away after hitting Li Paner, so he understood that Li Paner had taken his "balloon" away.

Once a woman hears her child crying, what’s the point?

“What’s wrong with you kid? Where’s my son’s ball?”

 “The balloon fell over there.”

Li Paner turned his head and pointed back.

The ball fell and got stuck in the corner.

“Really, I don’t know any family that teaches children who bullies even small children.”

The woman took her son to pick up the ball, but someone picked it up first.

“Don’t you feel a little ashamed when you say this?”

 Ye Weiwei held the ball in his palm and weighed it twice, with no intention of returning the ball.

 She walked to Li Pan'er and handed the ball out, "Pan'er, come here."


“Since they said you had the ball, take it away and show it to them!”

Li Paner opened her mouth slightly in surprise when she heard this sentence.

How dare you do this?

Ye Weiwei stood aside to support her, not afraid of the woman at all.

 The woman lost face, and her son clamored for a "balloon".

 “This is my son’s ball, what do you want to do?”

The ball was spinning in Ye Youwei's palm, and she replied calmly: "We don't accept injustice. Since you believe that it was my child who took your son's balloon, of course we have to show it to you."

 She held the ball in one hand and grabbed Li Pan'er with the other.

Putting the ball in his hand, he grabbed Li Pan'er's hand and hit it out. The ball rolled into the corner again.

 The woman was furious when she saw Ye Weiwei demonstrating to her!

 “Don’t be too bullying!”

 “Don’t be too bullying.”

“It was clearly your child who took my son’s ball and pushed him to the ground.”

  Ye Weiwei did not listen to the woman's words.

 She only let Li Pan'er speak for herself, "Pan'er, tell her what's going on."

Li Pan'er nodded and said slowly: "I was walking by here just now, and then the little brother ran over. He bumped into me and cried."

“Nonsense, my son is so young and can he hit you?”

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but sneer and asked: "Then do you want to adjust the monitoring system?"



The woman was rendered speechless by her determined aura. She picked up the ball with her son in her arms and left angrily.

Li Paner was shocked when she witnessed the whole process!

 Why is it so satisfying to see a fierce woman get **** off?

 (End of this chapter)

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