My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1403: Discover Pan'er's talent

Chapter 1403 Discovering Pan’er’s talent

There is another point that puzzles Li Pan'er, "Auntie, how do you know I didn't take the kid's ball?"

"I have no idea."


 “But I believe you.”

 One simple sentence made Li Pan'er's heart swell.

 It turned out that Ye Weiwei didn't know what was going on, but he defended her immediately and stood up for her.

"Pan'er, don't be too weak as a person. Only weak people will be bullied."


"I know the life you lived before. In fact, auntie also lived a very weak life for a period of time, but..." But her luck was much better than Li Pan'er.

Back then, no one dared to bully her even if she was weak, because she had the Ye family as her backer and Ye Xichen's wholehearted protection.

And her own desire for self-protection is actually very strong.

  She does not rely on brute strength or momentum, she only needs to use a little thought to achieve her goals.

 But her recent contact with Li Pan'er made her realize that Li Pan'er is really a real child.

Although she is 14 years old, judging from the things she has been exposed to, she is as simple and innocent as an eight or nine-year-old child.

Li Pan'er has been accustomed to being oppressed for a long time, so she doesn't know how to resist when being bullied. This is the easiest way to suffer.

"Let me tell you, in this world, you are the only person who can best protect yourself. No matter what you face in the future, you must be strong, you know? If someone bullies you once, you must fight back!"

Ye Weiyi knows that she has not learned what it means to "take a step back to open up the world". She has always had a rule: I will not offend others unless they offend me; if someone offends me, I will fight back!

Li Pan'er listened quietly to Ye Weiwei's teachings.

She thought about it and someone else said the same thing to her, "Sister Ye also said the same thing before."

“Of course, mother and daughter are of the same mind.”

 When she mentioned her daughter, Ye Weiwei's mood naturally improved.

Li Paner also had a slight smile on her face.

She felt that the people in the Ye family were really nice, her brother took good care of her sister, and her mother loved her children very much.

These are completely different from the situation at her home.

 She was really envious in her heart.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this for now. Do you like the book I asked someone to send you?”

 “Hmm, thank you Auntie Ye.”

"You don't have to be so polite. Just like it. How many have you seen?"

 “Well, I’ve only read two books now.”

 “Two...two books?”

She was shocked when she heard Li Pan'er say the words "read two books" so plainly, okay?

 A book is at least three centimeters thick. Have you read two books in just two days? Do you hold the book and chew its contents all the time?

 “Have you chosen to read some of them?” Ye Weiwei also guessed whether she had skipped the reading.

 Li Pan'er replied: "I have read every story."

"No." Ye Weiwei picked up the book in her hand, "Then let me test you."


She flipped to the middle of the book and picked out a story to ask her. As a result, Li Paner explained every detail in it clearly.

They returned to the ward while chatting. Ye Weiyi changed the previous book to test her again, and Li Paner still answered very comprehensively.

 Reading one book a day without missing any details is amazingly fast for the time it takes for the general public to read books, right?

 “You don’t have any hidden talents, do you?”

 (End of this chapter)

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