My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1404: Bring Pan'er back to Yejia

Chapter 1404: Bring Pan’er back to Ye’s house

“No, I just have a better memory.” Li Paner answered sincerely.

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but give her a thumbs up, "Great people are humble."

Li Pan'er's reading ability is simply better than ten lines in one glance.

Ye Weiwei wanted to take her to take a test.

 Li Pan'er's health has improved a lot recently, and even the doctor said she can be discharged from the hospital. As long as you stay calm, don't overwork yourself, and just take a good rest.

Li Pan'er's condition has stabilized, and it is not good to stay in the hospital for a long time.

  While relaxing at home in the evening, Ye Weiwei mentioned this matter.

"Ruoruo, you promised Mr. Ying to pay for Pan'er's medical treatment before. Now Pan'er's condition has stabilized and long-term hospitalization is not an option. Do you want to contact Mr. Ying and ask?"

“Doctor Ying is also kind-hearted to help Pan’er, but we can’t let Dr. Ying take Pan’er back.”

"That's what you said. If you leave Pan'er to Mr. Ying, Mr. Ying can only take her home."

When Ye Zhiruo heard this, he quickly shook his head, "This is not possible. If Pan'er goes home, he will suffer again."

“This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either, so what should I do?”

 The only thing that makes me sad is the night.

Although she is a mature-thinking adult, she has never encountered anything involving other people's children.

She was about to help Li Pan'er pay for medical treatment, but there was no way to completely solve Li Pan'er's matter. After all, Li Pan'er's biological parents were still alive and she could neither find anyone to adopt nor send her to an orphanage.

 They can only delay.

 Mother and daughter were worried about the same problem at the same time.

Ye Qingfeng, who was playing with car model parts on the table, suddenly said, "What's there to worry about? Since you two like her so much, why not bring her home to stay temporarily."

 Ye Weiwei: "Huh?"

 Ye Zhiruo: “Huh???”

They all looked at Ye Qingfeng and asked in unison: "Are you serious?"

Ye Qingfeng was stared at by them so much that his hands trembled and the parts in his hands fell on the table.


 He nodded under the meaningful gazes of mother and daughter, "Really."

Ye Weiwei and Ye Zhiruo took back time at the same time, then looked at each other, stretched out their hands to high-five at the same time, "Same as I think!"

Ye Xichen, who had just returned home, knew nothing about their decision and asked with a serious expression: "What happened?"

Ye Qingfeng responded while studying the model in his hand, "My most beloved mother and cutest sister plan to bring home a little sister from the countryside."

"what happened?"

“Husband, let me tell you about this later.”

 “I want to know now.”

“Ahem, don’t be so straight-faced. Let’s go back to the room and talk slowly later.” Ye Weiwei knew that Ye Xichen was repelled by strangers coming to their home, especially when they planned to let Li Paner stay for a while. So she had to talk to Ye Xichen about this matter.

 When the two children heard the ambiguous words, they "cough, cough, cough" together, which muddied the serious atmosphere.

After dinner, Ye Weiyi was taken back to the bedroom by Ye Xichen. Without saying much, he went straight to the topic.

 “Tell me, what did you conspire to do?”

 “What is conspiracy?”

 “Don’t change the subject with me.”

“Okay, let me tell you. Ruoruo met a friend at school before, her name is Li Paner..."

Ye Weiwei told Ye Xichen what he knew about Li Paner's tragic experience, hoping to inspire some sympathy in him.

 But she stared at it for a long time, and the result disappointed her.

 (End of this chapter)

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