My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1408: If it were her biological sister

Chapter 1408 If it is her biological sister

“There is a pond on one side, a swimming pool on the other side, and a garden in the middle.”

“The small room opposite is the piano room and dance studio. Well, there’s also...forget it, you don’t need the rest.”

 There is also a place where Ye Xichen and Ye Qingfeng exercise, so Li Pan'er doesn't need to know.

Li Pan'er looked along where Ye Zhiruo pointed and saw the "small" room in her mouth.

 That small house is bigger than her entire home in the countryside.

Everything she saw today was beyond Li Pan'er's expectation, and she was so shocked that she was speechless.

Ye Zhiruo introduced this to her without any intention of showing off his wealth, but really wanted her to understand the general layout of the place.

Ye Zhiruo kept repeating in Li Pan'er's ear, "My family is very easy to get along with, don't be too rigid." Li Pan'er bit her lip gently and nodded.

 In fact, there is no place where it is possible not to be restrained. This is a place she has never set foot on.

If she hadn’t met Ye Zhiruo, she might never have been able to enter such a gorgeous house in her life!


By the time Ye Zhiruo and Li Paner completed a round of walking, more than half an hour had passed.

They retraced their steps and went upstairs again. The simple guest room was decorated into a cozy bedroom.

Li Pan'er stood at the door and didn't dare to step in.

Ye Zhiruo pushed her behind her and said, "Pan'er, go in and take a look. If you are dissatisfied with anything, please tell us so that we can ask someone to replace it in time."

Li Paner stared at everything in the room with her eyes wide open!

 She has no dissatisfaction and cannot make any mistakes.

When Ye Zhiruo asked her if she liked it, her inner excitement was so intense that it was about to burst out.

 The result turned out to be tears of joy.

 Ye Zhiruo didn't understand what her reaction meant, "Don't you like it? Why are you crying?"

Li Paner wiped her tears and finally said the words she had been holding in her heart for a long time with a tearful voice, "Sister Ye, you are so kind to me. Except for grandma, no one has ever been so kind to me."

 The love that her grandma gave her was different from the help the Ye family gave her, because she was a family member and her grandma would protect her, but the Ye family was a stranger to her, but they cared so much for her.

“How did your parents bully you in the past?”

"They, they dislike me for being a girl, and they will take out their anger on me whenever they are unhappy. I have worked really hard, I will listen to what they say, and I will work hard, but no matter what I do, I can't reach them. I want only grandma to be nice to me.”

It is a pity that after grandma passed away, the Li family did not even allow her to continue studying.

At this moment, Li Paner burst into tears, crying like a child.

 She was originally a child, but now she is more cautious than before.

Ye Zhiruo patted her back gently to comfort her, "Don't cry, don't cry, we will treat you well in the future."

Thinking of the sufferings Li Pan'er suffered and the scars she had seen on Li Pan'er, Ye Zhiruo felt very sad.

 Hearing Li Pan'er cry so sadly, she couldn't hold back her emotions.

 When she was comforting Li Pan'er, she really felt like she was a sister.

If her biological sister suffered like this, she would be so angry that she would catch all those who bullied her and cut them into pieces!

 Ye Zhiruo thought of the missed sister Mo Xiangnuan.

It’s a pity that Nuan Nuan is a person who no longer exists in the world, no matter good or bad.

 (End of this chapter)

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