My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1409: That thing was exposed

 Chapter 1409 The incident was exposed

“Ying Zhicheng! Tell me, where did you take my daughter?”

The Li couple finally couldn't help but rushed into Dr. Ying's house one afternoon and grabbed him for questioning.

Even though they despise their daughter, they can’t just throw away the daughter they’ve raised for more than ten years in vain, right? Then wouldn’t they be at a loss?

 Doctor Ying had been blocking the Li family's mouth with medical expenses before, but after a while, they finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Mother Li directly threatened, "If you don't hand over my daughter today, we will go directly to the village chief to talk!"

 The person who has the most power to handle things in rural areas is the village chief.

The Li couple were messing around, and even though Dr. Ying used his brain to delay the matter, he couldn't do anything about it. In the end, they still went to the village chief.

Everyone in the village knows that the Li family's husband and wife have bad behavior, but after all, Li Pan'er is a child of the Li family. It makes sense that the village chief has to ask Dr. Ying, "Doctor Ying, just tell them, Pan'er's child Where is it?"

"I told you that Pan'er is treating illnesses in the city. If you want to find Pan'er, you can go to the city."

"You are talking nonsense. How can Pan'er have the money to go to the city for medical treatment! Did you abduct my daughter?"

"Hmph! You think everyone is as heartless as you, and you don't even care about the life or death of your own daughter for the sake of money. Now there are kind-hearted people who are willing to save her life, and you are still messing around here."

These words are like a slap in the face of the Li family couple.

However, the Li couple were rough-skinned, and Li's father was even more unrepentant and suppressed her with force, "Ying Zhicheng, don't tell us these big principles here. We are Pan'er's biological parents, and we treat her badly." No one else can interfere, no matter what. If you refuse to tell us, we will call the police directly. "

 Mother Li was standing next to her and echoed, "Yes, call the police!"

The village chief stood aside and groaned, "Everyone can talk to each other and everything can be discussed. We belong to the same village, so why should we make the relationship so tense?"

“Ying Zhicheng took my daughter away. Village chief, do you think we as parents should not be anxious?”

 “What you’re saying is, everyone, please stop making noise!”

The village chief roared loudly and used all his majesty to suppress the two sides for a while.

 The village chief knew that the only way to communicate in a civilized manner was with Dr. Ying, so he had no choice but to start with Dr. Ying.

"Ying Zhicheng, I know you are a kind-hearted person, and I believe you will not do anything harmful to the child. But since the child's biological parents are looking for her now, you should tell the truth. It won't be good for you if this thing gets too big."

It is indeed reasonable for the village chief to act as a peacemaker from the perspective of a rational bystander.

 In the end, Dr. Ying was an honest man and could not play tricks, so he finally told the truth.

"Pan'er met an eldest lady from a wealthy family in the city before. Knowing that she was in danger, the eldest lady said she was willing to pay for Pan'er's medical treatment. Now Pan'er is recuperating at her home."

"What? A young lady from a rich family? We have never heard Pan'er say this before. Are you lying to us?"

"Hey, you have nothing to lie to. Pan'er is right not to tell you. You think about how to get Pan'er to do things for you every day. How have you ever truly understood and cared about Pan'er's affairs?"


As soon as she said this, Mother Li was speechless.

Father Li snorted, "It's none of your business how to raise the daughter of our Li family. Tell us now how to find Pan'er."

 (End of this chapter)

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