My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1410: The Li family couple went to the city to look for their daughter

Chapter 1410 The Li family and his wife went to the city to find their daughter

  The Li family couple returned home and were very confused.

Father Li asked: "Should you believe what Ying Zhicheng said?"

Mother Li analyzed truthfully: "To be honest, I don't know. Ying Zhicheng has been in the village for many years and his character is so good. He shouldn't dare to do anything to Pan'er blatantly. But he said that Pan'er was raped by a rich man. Isn’t it too rare that this young lady is interested in that man and is willing to help Pan’er pay for his medical treatment?”

To be honest, Dr. Naying’s attitude towards Li Pan’er is better than that of his parents, and they also feel a little bit wrong.

But the concept of money is very important to them. They don't believe that rich people are so stupid that they would pay for a stranger's medical treatment.

Father Li suddenly remembered, "Hey, do you remember that Pan'er brought those clothes with her when she just came back from the city? Those clothes look like they are worn by wealthy people, maybe they are real."

“What you said seems to make sense.”

“Then shall we go to the city to have a look?”

"Go to the city to have a look? You said it easily? It costs a lot of money to go there! Are we spending all the money we have worked hard to save just to pick up that dead girl?"

"You're stupid. If Pan'er really hooks up with a rich man, can't we take advantage of the opportunity? If Pan'er doesn't, it proves that Ying Zhicheng is lying. Then we will hold on to Ying Zhicheng. , you won’t suffer any loss after all!”

 “That’s a good idea.”

The Li couple hid at home and secretly conspired, and finally decided to pack up their things and go to the city.

 Doctor Ying was forced to give them the address of the hospital and a number to contact Ye Zhiruo.

At that time, Dr. Ying felt that the Li family would not be willing to spend money to go to the city, but he underestimated the nature of money-obsessed people.

As long as they have a way to get money, they can do anything, so they don't think about whether it is reasonable or not? Is it moral?

The Li couple baked some cakes and packed them with food that could be stored overnight, and hitched a ride into the city the next day.

 They have been to the city before, but this time is very rare, maybe not even once a year.

They slowly walked out of the station after getting off the bus. There were many people holding signs beside the station asking if they wanted accommodation.

Mother Li took out the piece of paper with the hospital address from her bag, "Old Li, how do we get to this hospital?"

They were reluctant to pay for a ride, and they didn’t have such a high-end mobile phone to search Baidu Maps, so they finally decided on the oldest way - walking!

 “Ask for directions.”


 They thought they had time to walk over slowly, but when they asked, many people around them didn't know.

They finally asked someone, but that person told them that the hospital was in the city center, more than 20 kilometers away.

It takes an hour or two to take a car. If you walk, your legs will have to be ruined?

 “What should I do now?”

 “Let’s take a car.”

 The bus cannot reach it directly, and some people suggested that they use light rail.

The Li family has never done anything so "high-tech". They spent a lot of time here and even made a joke when going through the security check. They also worked hard to find Li Pan'er this time.

 By the time we arrived in that urban area, it was almost dark.

 “What to do with these?”

 “Hurry to the hospital and find someone.”

Their manager went through a lot of trouble to find the hospital and was amazed when he saw the tall building. “If Pan’er really gets medical treatment here, how much will it cost?”

 (End of this chapter)

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