My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1412: She cooks herself

 Chapter 1412 She cooks herself

 Suddenly becoming the focus of everyone, Li Paner was not used to it and became even more nervous...

She quickly lowered her head, clenched the pen in her hand and clicked on the virtual screen memory. Although she hesitated in the middle, she really memorized every color without missing a word.

"Wow, great."

 Ye Zhiruo applauded happily.

This kind of instant memory is not something everyone can achieve.

Ye Weiwei was also very satisfied with the result. He finally took out the gift box hidden behind his back and handed it to Li Paner, "You are great. This is a reward for you."

 The feeling of receiving a reward is different from receiving a gift directly.

 Have peace of mind about the rewards that you have worked hard for.

 “Thank you, Auntie Ye.”

Li Pan'er opened the box with great anticipation, and a light fragrance came out that even the people next to her could smell it.

"smell good."

 Ye Zhiruo also came to join in the fun.

 In the box is a very delicate pink cherry blossom necklace. The bead chain is made up of pearls strung together, which is a bit gorgeous.

Li Pan'er did not put it on her neck after getting the necklace like others, but carefully held the necklace in her hand, as if she was holding a treasure.

“This is a necklace for you, do you like it?”

 “Happy, like…”

 I like it, I like it very much, the feeling is indescribable.

 “You can just wear it and try it if you like it.”


 But this necklace strung with pearls was too gorgeous and dazzling, and it really went against her simple dress.

But Ye Weiwei had already considered this and replaced it with a thin silver chain, "Well, that's great. It can be hidden in clothes in winter and used as a pendant decoration on clothes in summer."

Li Pan'er was very happy to receive such a gift.

 When she went to bed at night, she held the necklace in her hands and looked at it for a long time, with a silly smile on her face.

 This is the first gift she has received since she was a child. This period of time has also been a sweet dream for her since she was a child, and she cherishes it very much.

Li Paner set an alarm clock before going to bed, so she got up early the next day and ran to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the Ye family.

After Li Pan'er came here, she didn't think about going wherever there was fun. Instead, she often wandered around in the kitchen or watched the gardeners take care of the flowers and plants in the garden.

She spent those hours not for playing, but for observing and learning how to use high-end kitchen appliances, and remembering the placement of various ingredients and condiments in the kitchen.

The dishes Li Paner used to cook at home only came from vegetables grown in her own fields, and there were very few condiments, so the dishes she "cooked a lot" at home are of no use here.

Now that she almost understands it, she just wants to do something within her ability to repay the Ye family.

Today is Saturday. Li Paner got up at half past five, tidied up briefly and went to the kitchen.

She started cooking according to the operating procedures of the kitchen appliances she saw in her memory, and made some nutritious snacks according to the breakfast habits of city people.

 At six o'clock, the chef went to work on time. When he saw a small figure busy in the kitchen, he was shocked!

 “Miss Pan’er, what are you doing?”

Li Paner was startled by the sudden sound, but she still held the spatula in her hand.

Turning around and seeing it was the chef, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Uncle, I want to make breakfast, can you help me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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