My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1413: There are red marks on your face

 Chapter 1413 There is a red mark on your face


Ye Zhiruo opened the curtains, stood in front of the window and stretched.

I changed my clothes and opened the door. At this time, I happened to run into Ye Qingfeng and go out.

Ye Zhiruo took two steps forward and suddenly stopped. He took a few steps back and stared at Ye Qingfeng's face, "Brother, there is a red mark on your face."

Ye Qingfeng subconsciously touched his cheek, and Ye Zhiruo laughed.

 Ye Qingfeng suddenly rolled his eyes.

 Actually, it’s just a small red mark, probably caused by grabbing it twice too many times. It’s a minor problem.

Ye Zhiruo touched his stomach again and said, "I'm a little hungry. I'll go down to eat first."

 She walked ahead first, and when she reached the stairwell, she saw a figure walking around busily.

 “Pan’er? What are you doing?”

“Sister Ye, come and eat quickly.”

 Seeing the table of breakfast, Ye Zhiruo was startled, "Did you do this?"

“No, I just made these two, and the rest was made by my uncle in the kitchen.”

Ye Qingfeng also came down from upstairs. Ye Zhiruo waved to him, "Brother, come here."

The two of them tasted it with suspicion and nodded, "It's very good."

 Li Paner smiled happily after receiving the recognition.

 The originally scheduled examination was postponed to tomorrow due to delays in the attending doctor's work schedule.

Ye Weiwei happened to go out with Ye Xichen to do some errands, and there were only three children left at home.

 Ye Zhiruo had to go to the dance class when the time came. Ye Qingfeng also went to the taekwonding class. In the end, Li Pan'er was left alone at home.

 In this huge villa, Li Pan'er's only interest is reading in the room.

 After reading for an hour, she planned to go out for a walk. When she passed by Mo Xiangnuan's room, she couldn't help but stop.

The house number has changed its appearance again.

From what Ye Zhiruo said, this house number is changed from time to time. As for when to change it and what it looks like, it all depends on Ye Zhiruo's preference and mood.

But even now, Li Pan'er doesn't know where the "sister" Ye Zhiruo mentioned is?

 She was too embarrassed to ask more questions, so she knew almost nothing about Mo Xiangnuan.

This room cannot be entered, but she is full of curiosity about it.

The housekeeper came over with cleaning tools and found Li Paner standing in front of the door.

“Miss Pan’er, where are you going?”

 “Me, I’ve been reading for a long time, come out for some air.”

"Okay, Madam Ye has told me that if you need anything, just tell me directly and I will try my best to meet your request."

 “Thank you, thank you.”

Li Pan'er took a few steps back and saw the housekeeper taking out the key, opening Mo Xiangnuan's door, and carrying all the cleaning tools inside.

Li Paner stared at the door curiously, vaguely seeing the pink walls inside.

The housekeeper stood at the door and smiled kindly at her, "Miss Pan'er, because Madam has given special instructions, no one is allowed to enter this room at will, so I can't invite you in. I'm sorry."

This sentence is a tactful reminder to tell her to leave.

Li Pan'er nodded and immediately turned around and left the place.

Mo Xiangnuan's room is always cleaned by a dedicated person, and it is always locked so that no one else can enter.

Li Pan'er went to the garden and strolled slowly to the piano room.

 Four members of Ye's family can play the piano, and the ones who come here the most on weekdays are Ye Yiwei and Ye Zhiruo.

Li Pan'er stood outside and could see through the glass two pianos, one black and one white, inside. She felt a sudden longing in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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