My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1417: Ye Qingfeng’s sister control attributes

Chapter 1417 Ye Qingfeng’s sister control attributes

Ever since Li Pan'er appeared, he has always had a curious attitude. When did he become so kind? He helped Li Pan'er think of his way out.

Li Pan'er is just a stranger to him, not worth his time at all.

Probably because of her arrogant thoughts, Ye Qingfeng forced herself to put away the overflowing sympathy in her heart and walked out of the piano room.

When Li Paner finished playing the last note, he turned his head happily and wanted to talk to Ye Qingfeng.

 But when she stopped and took a look, she found that Ye Qingfeng had walked to the door at some point.

 “Brother Ye, this song…”

"Stop, I'm going to take Ruoruo home. I'll talk about other things later."

 When the younger sister controls her older brother's thoughts, the younger sister is the most important.

"Okay, brother Ye, please go quickly that night, so as not to keep Sister Ye waiting anxiously." During the time she came to Ye's house, Li Pan'er had already clearly understood how much Ye Qingfeng loved Ye Zhiruo. She felt that Ye Qingfeng loved Ye Zhiruo. This is normal.

Ye Qingfeng took a few steps forward and then suddenly stepped back, standing at the door and knocking on the door deliberately and making a sound, "Do you want to come together?"

 “Huh?” Li Paner couldn’t react for a moment.

Ye Qingfeng pretended to be casual and said: "It seems that you haven't gone out since you came to Yejia. Do you want to go out and get some fresh air?"


As soon as he heard this, Li Paner ran towards him excitedly.

 Getting in the car as soon as she left home, Li Pan'er turned her head and looked out the window the whole way.

 Ye Qingfeng has been playing games on her mobile phone. Occasionally, when she glances up at her, she finds her staring outside.

 He asked curiously: "What are you doing? Is it so beautiful outside?"

Li Pan'er turned to face him, showing her teeth and smiling authentically, "Every scene the car drives past is different. I have never seen it before."

When Li Pan'er was three or four years old, her family lived in a remote area of ​​the city, and occasionally visited the main city. Later, the Li family moved back to their hometown in the mountains, and Li Pan'er never entered the city again.

 The memories of my childhood have been worn away by time, and not even the memories are left.

 When she grew up, the only time she clearly remembered going to the city was when she represented her primary school at the anniversary of Egg College.

 But the scope of activities that time was only within the campus, and I had a little free time and was still sick.

I was still sick when I came to the city this time, and I was so dizzy that I didn't have the energy to appreciate the scenery. Now when I come out, I'm full of curiosity about the surrounding high-rise buildings.

Ye Qingfeng was completely unable to understand Li Pan'er's previous life, but he could tell from what Li Pan'er said inadvertently that what she had tried and experienced was too little. These were ordinary things for them. In Li Paner's eyes, it was all so incredible.

When getting on the elevator, Li Pan'er couldn't even press the elevator button, so she could only follow Ye Qingfeng silently, not daring to walk around or say anything.

 At this moment, she was no longer looking around.

Ye Qingfeng joked casually: "What? Just now you were mesmerized by the car driving so fast, but now we are walking at a slower pace and you are doing nothing?"

Hearing this question, Li Panerte blinked innocently, bit his lower lip and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with you for a while."

 Ye Qingfeng: “…”

 It is also a talent to be able to give such a reason.

 He stood there and took a deep breath, then suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Pan'er.

  【Sister control attributes are innate, hahaha】

 (End of this chapter)

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