My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1418: I won't let you get lost again

 Chapter 1418 I won’t let you get lost again

Li Pan'er's eyes suddenly opened wide.

 He he he…

 He actually shook her hand!

Those hands were so warm, completely different from her cold body temperature all year round!

Ye Qingfeng could count all the hands of the opposite **** that she had held since she was little. Except for the elders, there were only: biological sister Ye Zhiruo, god-sister Nangong Yu, and little sister Bei Jiyue.

 Now there is one more Li Pan'er.

 Everyone’s touch is different.

 Elders, for example, mother’s palms are gentle and safe.

Ye Zhiruo and Nangong Yu are about the same age as him. Because of their well-balanced nutrition, all parts of their bodies are very healthy. Their fingers are slender, neither fat nor thin, and they have perfect bodies and heights.

Little sister Bei Jiyue is just a little baby in his eyes, holding a soft and delicate baby in her hand.

As for Li Pan'er's hand, he held it as if he were holding a bone...

 Thin means being very thin and feeling like there is no meat at all. This is not a healthy body.

Ye Qingfeng sighed silently in his heart: Well, just think of it as doing one good deed every day. He has nothing to do today and he can get a good person card.

Ye Qingfeng shook his head. Seeing that Li Pan'er was still looking at him blankly, he reached out and shook his hand, "Are you stupid? Let's go. I won't get lost now."

With someone holding her hand, she can look around with confidence.

The elevator went up to more than ten floors. After entering, there were doors one after another. Except for the different numbers on the house numbers, everything else looked the same. Li Paner felt like her eyes were blurry when she walked past. Got it!

 Ye Qingfeng led her through the corridor with ease and found the dance studio.

 He pushed open the glass door and went in, standing outside the guardrail and waiting.

He also specifically turned around to explain to Li Paner, "This is the waiting area. Except for people in the dance studio, ordinary people are not allowed to enter casually."

 The dance studio is private but well maintained.

 In order to ensure the safety and property of the students and avoid random interference by outsiders, their family members who come to pick them up can usually only stand outside the guardrail.

And this guardrail is still covered by a solid transparent glass. People inside and outside can see each other, but the sound is slightly isolated.

“Okay, we’re early, we probably have twenty minutes left, just wait.”

Ye Qingfeng let go of Li Pan'er's hand, sat down on the chair behind him skillfully, took out his phone and started to play the game.

Li Pan'er was still leaning against the glass guardrail, staring intently at the dancing girls.

 She saw so many new and novel things today, which was really eye-opening.

There are quite a lot of students in the dance studio. Some directly lift their legs and lean on their shoulders, while others do not need any help to lower their backs.

She also saw that Daye Zhiruo was standing upright, but suddenly his legs spread apart and he made a split horse.


 Yezhiruo opened his mouth in surprise.

She can also dance, but all she has learned are group dances taught in school, relatively simple movements, and she has never received professional training like them.

She suddenly wanted to give it a try, but there were other people around her, so she could only give up.


 Ye Zhiruo started packing her things after her classes ended.

Li Pan'er called Ye Qingfeng several times, waved to Ye Qingfeng when he raised his head and reported the situation, "Sister Ye is coming out."

 “Let’s talk about it after we come out.”

 He has long been used to it.

Li Pan'er pursed her lips and continued to stand at the glass door, but she didn't know that others were already staring at her.

 (End of this chapter)

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