My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 142: It's just your own passion

Chapter 142 It’s just you being sentimental


Anyone would be frightened to hear Ye Weiwei yelling at people to "stop".

"What did you say? Tell me to stop?" Ye Xichen's straight long legs took two steps and stood beside her easily. He lowered his head close to her ear and narrowed his narrow eyes. "You must be brave." ”

The words that gently floated into her ears, including the warm breath on her neck when she spoke, made Ye Weiwei's neck instantly turn a few shades of red. She grabbed the schoolbag chain on her shoulder and twisted it several times on her fingertips.

She hesitated for a moment, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed and then relaxed, then she suddenly raised her head, her eyes shining brightly, "I, I also have a temper!"


At the moment when she pretended to be strong and shouted those words in a low voice, there seemed to be a desolate autumn wind blowing the remaining leaves on the roadside. In short...

Ye Xichen didn't know what to answer her.


When he found out that she had gone to a strange man's house for a long time and still concealed the truth, he was not only angry, he even wanted to kill someone!


He probably doesn’t know what forgiveness means when facing Ye Youyi.

Every time there was a conflict, Ye Wei seemed to be the first to bow his head, but every time he was never willing to truly ignore her.

“Brother Chen, I don’t know why you are angry, but you refuse to tell me directly every time, so I can only guess.”

The man was right in front of him, Ye Weiwei no longer had any scruples, and took his hand in a relaxed and happy manner, holding on to the rolled-up cuffs as if he was afraid that he would go off-key.

 “But before that, I have a question to ask you.”


“I have always valued the things you gave me, but what about you, Brother Chen? I have never asked you if you think so too, or...”

She looked away and hesitated to speak.

What she didn't want to say, Ye Xichen slowly said it for her: "Let's just say, I want to give you something with just one sentence. Maybe I don't care, but you are just being sentimental!"


As he finished speaking, Ye Xichen frowned slightly.

It was Ye's uncontrollable mood swings that only caused the delicate skin under his thin shirt to twist.

Ye Xichen lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on the place where she was holding him tightly. His eyes were dim and unclear, but he did not push him away because of the pain.

Some people are born to be your irresistible bond.

Every time, she only needs a smile and a word to easily break through the psychological defenses you have erected, and make your self-proclaimed sanity collapse!

Ye Weiwei was not aware of his own emotions. He lowered his head. The cute height difference meant that she could only be level with Ye Xichen's shoulders.

“My brother is so kind to me. I shouldn’t doubt him. The gifts he gives are the best.”

 “Really?” he asked mockingly.

"Believe me!"

 “Let me trust you?”

 If you want me to believe it, make all the deceptions more perfect and don’t let me find out, I still believe you!

He pretended to be calm and said with a stern face, "You guessed it right, those things are not worth my effort at all. Who gave them away and who took them are not important to me."

The silent voice sounded like a straightforward conversation, but it was like a sharp thorn piercing a glass shard.

"No! No!" Ye Weiyi murmured softly and raised her eyes to look at him. Her dark pupils were like jade-like and delicate black onyx, reflecting the bright starlight.

 The moment their eyes met, Ye Weiwei finally let go of him.

But he put his hands around his neck, stood on tiptoes and raised his head...

Where is the head-butting team? It’s time to gather and count



 (End of this chapter)

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