My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 143: Can't kiss him

Chapter 143 Can’t kiss him

With the cool night breeze, Ye Weiwei put his hands on his neck, raised his head and tiptoed to kiss him.

Ye Xichen stood there motionless, neither resisting nor accepting, looking straight ahead, watching her performance calmly with his peripheral vision.

   …” crows flew overhead.

Ye Ziyi tried his best to stand on tiptoes, and then fell down, tried hard to stand on tiptoes, and then fell down...

Hooking her neck, she couldn't lower his head, and she couldn't even reach it with her tiptoes.

Ye Weiwei let go of his hand and moved back again and again, taking two small steps back.

 This is so embarrassing!

The so-called cutest height difference makes Ye Weiwei definitely suffer at this moment! she! I want to kiss you but I can’t!

 “What the **** is this!” She mumbled dissatisfiedly, and the expression on her little face became colorful.

 “Why do you have to be so tall!” The point is, I can’t even kiss you!

 Being embarrassed in front of the person you like is not something that makes people shy, but she is not willing to do so.

Ye Xichen slowly straightened the coat around his wrists. He couldn't help but frowned during that slight movement and asked, "What exactly do you want to say to me?"

With her white upper teeth biting her lower lip, her pink lips turned white and red, she asked with a slightly trembling voice: "Just, An Ruan called me on Saturday night. Was it Brother Chen who received the call?"

 “Yes.” His tone was straightforward and straightforward.

“Then my brother told An Ruan that the pendant is not important and can be thrown away?”

 “Yes.” He still admitted bluntly.

 Ye Yiwei felt as if his heart was suddenly pricked by a sharp needle.

At first she thought An Ruan had misunderstood, and she also defended Ye Xichen in her heart that An Ruan had misunderstood.

Now Ye Xichen admitted without hesitation that this sudden change of indifference made her at a loss.

"Although, even though Brother Chen said this, I still think that way. I absolutely believe that brother values ​​those things as much as I do." The things she cherishes in these words are not just the gifts, but the people who give and receive the gifts.

 She was expressing her stance to Ye Xichen, showing her trust in him, saying that she could forget about An Ruan's talk about throwing away the cherry blossom pendant.

 She is willing to believe whatever he says.

I always feel that this way my brother won’t be angry again, right?

 But it’s useless.

Ye only made a miscalculation this time.

Ye Xi lowered his eyes and glanced at her. Seeing her cautious expression, her flattering tone and eyes made him want to laugh.

 Having said so much, she did not have a single explanation for her own affairs.

Ye Xichen's eyes seemed to be looking at something random, and then he looked away with a cold reaction, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Ye Weiwei's face froze and he couldn't help but retort, "I'm not making trouble!"

He reached out and grabbed her chin, leaned over and looked directly into her eyes, telling her in a low voice: "Do you know, if you lie too many times, trusting this thing will no longer be reliable."

His words contained a deep meaning that left Ye Weiyi with a lump in his throat and he didn't know how to explain it.


 “Go on, explain!”

“Tell me about yourself. In order to go to Han Xingye’s concert, you lied to me. In order to take care of Su Yichen, you hid it from me.”

  When the thorn hidden in the hearts of two people is broken, both sides hurt each other.

Ye Weiwei covered her mouth in surprise and stepped back.

Ye Xichen, however, pressed closer and grabbed her wrist, "Tell me what else you are hiding that I don't know about, okay?"

   This **** height difference? Who told you not to press your head (innocent face)

Before resolving a conflict, of course you must identify the conflict and identify the key reasons. Don’t worry, it won’t cause any big trouble~

Thank you Qibao for the rewards today. There are too many to count. I think you are all the best.



 (End of this chapter)

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