My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1425: Mom, let's go

Chapter 1425 Mom, let’s go

“No, no, no, Pan’er is our daughter. Since you have helped, we must be grateful!”

In order to keep Ye Weiwei, Li's mother ignored her words.

Ye Weiwei seemed to be hesitating, and nodded after a while, "Okay."

 The Li family and his wife were delighted.

 “Then how about we talk somewhere else?”

“That’s right, this is not the place to talk.”

"Look, my child's father and I have just arrived in S city. We are unfamiliar with the place and can't find a place to stay. You locals must know more about this. Otherwise, where can you tell me where to go?" Mother Li's explicit hint She just wants Ye Weiwei to find a place for her.

Ye Weiwei smiled and joined the topic naturally, "That's right. As a local, you should help. I know a good hotel. You can check in and rest directly after eating in the restaurant. Do you want to introduce it to you?"

 “Here, staying in a hotel?”

“Yeah, I wonder if you have brought enough money? Oh, it’s okay, it’s all done by credit card now.”

As soon as the Li family heard this, they understood the meaning. It turned out that they were not invited to live in a big house, but they were asked to pay for a hotel stay.

Then how could they agree!

"Ye, Mrs. Ye, right? We are not going to the hotel."

 “What do you think?”

"This... I don't know the rules of you city people, but when we go to other people's houses in the countryside, we always stay in the rooms of relatives and friends, and then prepare a table of meals at home."

“Oh.” Ye Weiwei nodded, as if he understood.

Ye Zhiruo added a question in time: "But your home is not here. It seems that you can't invite us, right?"

Mother Li said shamelessly: "Our family is not here, and your family is here. We are all relatively cheerful people and don't pay much attention to formalities. If Mrs. Ye doesn't mind, we can go to your home to cook for you, just Consider it a thank you.”

Father Li agreed: "Yes, yes, this guy in my family is pretty good at cooking."

The three members of the Ye family were really speechless when they heard this.

 Are these people too thick-skinned?

Ye's only reply to them was another smile, "Our family is not one that can be entered casually. I'm sorry, Mr. Li, Mrs. Li."

 She doesn't mind being a cranky lady today.

Not only the Ye family were speechless, but also Li Pan'er couldn't bear to listen. She tugged on Li's mother's sleeve and whispered, "Mom, let's go home."

 She really didn't have the face to face the Ye family.

But how could Mother Li hear her words?

At that time, he dragged Li Pan'er to the back and said, "You kid, what are you talking nonsense about? Didn't the teacher teach you how to repay kindness? If someone helps you, you must remember to thank him!"

At this moment, Li Pan'er almost cried after hearing these words of justice and awe-inspiring words for the Ye family.

After living for fourteen years, she is no longer the child who still had expectations for family affection when she was a child.

She didn't need to think about it to know that the purpose of the Li family's parents was not really to thank the Ye family for her, but to use her to gain power and wealth.

If there was a hole in the ground, she would want to dig into it immediately!

Li Paner bit her lip, tears already filling her eyes.

 She asked again, "Let's go."

 In the end, Father Li pushed her directly behind, "Go, kid, don't talk nonsense if you are ignorant."

 Seeing Li Pan'er's petite body being pushed, Ye Wei almost couldn't help but rush over and pull the child over!

 (End of this chapter)

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