My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1426: Let Pan'er go to Ye's house to steal something

Chapter 1426 Let Pan’er go to Ye’s house to steal things

Hands clenched into fists, and finally held back.

 For shameless people like the Li family and his wife, your sympathy will only become their weakness in blackmail.

Li Pan'er will eventually go back, so if the Li family and his wife know that they are so good to Li Pan'er, they might do something.

"Forget it, we are guests from afar. Since you and your family have come to S City and are so destined to meet us, I will be my host and ask you to have a rest for the night. After the sun rises tomorrow, you can do whatever you want. You guys."

 Ye Weiwei asked someone to find an ordinary hotel for the Li family and his wife to stay.

However, after the formalities were completed, Ye Weiwei said that he wanted to take Li Pan'er back to Ye's house on the pretext of packing his things.

Before leaving, Li's father grabbed Li Pan'er and said he wanted to explain a few words.

Ye Weiwei let her in.

 Ye Weiwei and her two children were waiting outside.

Ye Qingfeng kept a cold face and felt more and more alienated from Ye Xichen.

Ye Zhiruo's emotions are running rampant today, but they are just bad emotions.

She still couldn't fully understand Ye Weiwei's approach, "Mommy, do you really want Pan'er to go back with you tomorrow? You don't know how hateful those two people are. They yelled at Pan'er in front of us, Also, when I spoke just now, I was not polite at all and even pushed others, so you can imagine how miserable Pan'er was at home."

"I know."

 “You know, then you...”

"Ruoruo, after all, Li Pan'er is a stranger to our family. I am willing to save her life just for your sake, but it doesn't mean that I have to be responsible for her future, okay?"

 “Mommy!” Ye Zhiruo would be confused if he cared about her, and it was even more difficult to accept hearing such words.

Ye Weiwei turned his back to her, not wanting to argue with her anymore.

 Ye Zhiruo was unwilling to give in, "Mommy, obviously you..."

Who knew that this time even Ye Qingfeng would not stand by her side, and even shouted in a stern tone: "Ruoruo, shut up."

"elder brother!"

 “Lend me your cell phone.”

“Oh.” Ye Zhiruo pursed her lips and handed the phone to him.

 Ye Qingfeng quickly typed on the screen, and then handed it to Ye Zhiruo to read.

 The night is like a sudden enlightenment.

She took a deep breath and let it out.

 “Well, since you are all like this, I have nothing to say.”

Ye Zhiruo dropped these words and ran downstairs.

 Ye Qingfeng slowly followed.

 At the corner, Mother Li retracted her neck.

She just overheard the conversation between the three people in the Ye family, and she also heard that only Ye Zhiruo in the Ye family missed Li Pan'er, while the other two felt that Li Pan'er had nothing to do with them.

 This is tricky.

Li's mother hurriedly returned to the room, where Li's father was still instilling some ideas into Li Pan'er.

"Pan'er, the Ye family is so rich, can you just take a few things?"

“Dad, I can’t take anything from Ye’s house casually.”

  “How many things can you take secretly and no one knows.”

 “But it belongs to someone else.”

"You silly kid, why don't you listen? Don't you think it's hard for me and your mother to come all the way here? Is it so hard to get you to pay back the things you have? I'm not asking you to steal them. ”

Li Pan'er listened to Li's father's increasingly shameless words and really wanted to hit him to death, get rid of him, or even be used by others!

 Why do strangers want to save her, but her biological parents only know how to use her?

“Dad, I am your daughter, why are you forcing me like this?”

 “Mom, this is not how other mothers treat their children!”

 (End of this chapter)

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