My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1433: People who met Mo Xiangnuan back then

Chapter 1433 People who met Mo Xiangnuan back then

The two children of the Ye family are smart. No one deliberately told them about the previous generation, but they also knew some things based on their own abilities.

 They knew that Mo Xiangnuan died after being stolen by Ye Hantian.

 They also knew the relationship between Ye Xichen and the Moh family.

“Even dad’s twists and turns of life have real existence, so it’s not impossible to say that Pan’er is related to the Mo family.”

“Look at the Li family’s attitude toward Pan’er. There’s nothing that biological parents can do!”

When you have a doubt in your mind, you will find various reasons to expand that doubt.

 But Ye Zhiruo's words were only half right.

The Li family truly believed that Li Pan'er was their biological child, but they just didn't like their daughter.

“Brother, where do you think we should start the investigation? Bring Pan’er over directly for a paternity test?”

"No, even if Pan'er's birthmark is really the same as daddy's, daddy's birthmark comes from the inheritance of the Mo family. There are so many people in the Mo family, do they need to be identified one by one?"

The Mohist family has a large population. Some people have birthmarks, and some may not have inherited them. It is difficult to find everyone.

Ye Zhiruo bit her lip, sighed and lowered her head.

In fact, they are not as capable as those outside people boast, and they will also cry because of certain problems.

Ye Qingfeng looked at Ye Zhiruo's little expression and couldn't help but think of the little actions Li Pan'er often made unintentionally.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and seemed to be able to overlay the appearance of Li Pan'er and Yu Ye Zhiruo at certain times.



"There's something I haven't said. In fact, some of Pan'er's little moves are very similar to Mommy's, and I think she and you sometimes..." At this point, Ye Qingfeng sighed heavily, "Oh, I don't know either. No way to describe it, it’s just an indescribable feeling.”

"When I heard what you said, I also remembered that Mommy would be nervous and stutter when she lied in front of Daddy. Pan'er would also stutter when she was nervous. Mommy would bite her lip when she spoke unnaturally. Pan'er Yes! Also, daddy said that Paner’s eyes are very similar to mommy.”

“According to what you say, Pan’er has become Mommy’s illegitimate daughter again?”

"That's not what I meant, but...wait a minute!" Ye Zhiruo suddenly had an idea, "Since he has the same birthmark as daddy and has similar habits to mommy, then it's possible!!"

 The brothers and sister guessed the same person.

But they didn’t dare to say anything further.

 This is even more fantasy than Pan'er's relationship with other people in the Mo family.

 Everyone knows that triplets were born in their family fourteen years ago, and there have been no other children since then.

 “Pan’er is also fourteen years old!”

Their guesses seemed to be getting closer and closer to the truth, and the brothers and sisters were beating drums in their hearts.

“Brother, is there any way to ask the original person?”

 “No, we can’t see the cold night.”

  When Ye Hantian "killed" Mo Xiangnuan, he was imprisoned again. Because of the pressure from the Mo family, he never came out again.

 “Let me think about it.”

Many people knew about this matter back then, but people like Ye Weiwei, Ye Xichen, or Nangong Luo who had personally experienced this matter were very sensitive to it. If you mentioned it to them and later found out that it was just a bamboo basket fight, If all is lost, it will be even more uncomfortable.

"I remember hearing my godmother say that Nuan Nuan was placed in an incubator when she was born. No one has ever seen Nuan Nuan alive. But except for Ye Hantian, there must be someone who knows!"

"I see."

 (End of this chapter)

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