My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1434: Find the doctor who took care of Nuan Nuan back then

Chapter 1434 Find the doctor who took care of Nuan Nuan

"I see!"

The brother and sister thought of one thing at the same time and said in unison: "Doctor!"

Back then, Mo Xiangnuan had been put into an incubator since she was born, and her relatives could only watch from a distance outside the glass window. No one knew whether she had any birthmarks on her body, but the doctors who had contacted her back then must have seen her, but they didn't know if she could still survive. remember.

When Mo Xiangnuan's death was a big deal, the doctors and nurses who took care of her at that time had detailed records, so you can check it if you find the files from that year.

 Although Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo have very flexible minds, they are lacking in manpower.

But the hospital is Gu Chengxi’s territory, so it’s not difficult for the two of them to get the files.

When the master who managed the archives handed the documents to them, he said: "That's it, but I remember that many people were fired at once. Maybe the people you are looking for are no longer in the hospital."

That incident was very involved. The Ye family and the Mo family were so angry that they fired many relevant staff members in anger, and basically no one related to that incident was left.

  The administrator of the archives room is still an old employee here and knows something about what happened back then.


 After Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo thanked them, they checked the information in the file one by one and took notes.

 After searching, they targeted three people.

 After searching for information one by one, I found that one doctor went abroad, one nurse got married and went abroad, and the other stayed in the city and switched to other professions.

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo got the address and they were going to a small clothing store.

"Hello, welcome."

 After entering the store, she saw only one employee sitting there. Ye Zhiruo stepped forward and showed a friendly attitude to her, "Hello, we want to ask you about someone."


“Is there a person named Wang Yuxia working in your store?”

When looking for someone by name, the employee was a little wary and asked, "What are you asking about?"

"Sister, of course we have private matters to find her, but don't worry, we are not looking for trouble, but I can't tell you private matters, please forgive me." Ye Zhiruo deliberately used a relaxed tone to lighten the atmosphere, "The two of us He’s just a junior high school student, and he’s not doing bad things.”

  Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng are two young people who will not be regarded as bad people in terms of their dress or temperament.

Finally, the employee informed Wang Yuxia of her whereabouts.

“Sister Wang, her mother in her hometown is sick. She just asked for leave the day before yesterday. It is said that she is in trouble this time and will not come back for the time being.”

 Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng: “…”

It's really unlucky that you just found this person and you went back to your hometown?

They took the time to check the location of Wang Yuxia’s hometown. Fortunately, it was also in S city, but in a remote place.

This time, Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng rushed over immediately after getting the address and successfully found Wang Yuxia's home.

 When they knocked on the door, an old man opened the door.

 “Who are you?”

The old man’s voice was vicissitudes of life, and his eyes were blurry when he looked at them.

Ye Zhiruo said with a good attitude: "Hello, grandpa, we are looking for Wang Yuxia. Is she at home?"

When the old man heard this, he turned sideways and faced them with his ears, "What? You speak louder, I can't hear you."

Ye Zhiruo took a deep breath and raised her voice, "I said, we are looking for Wang Yuxia. Is she at home?"

 (End of this chapter)

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