My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1441: Ye Xichen's suspicion

Chapter 1441 Ye Xichen’s Suspicion

"Godmother, just tell me. My brother and I both want to know what happened back then."

Ye Zhiruoku pestered her and asked, but Yu Anran was so deceived by her that she had no choice but to agree, "Okay."

"When the three of you were born, your brother was very healthy, but you and Nuan Nuan were a little worse. You and Nuan Nuan were put into the insulation room together, but you came out earlier. Nuan Nuan's health was the worst at that time, and we have been We were waiting for her, but on the day when the doctor told us that we could pick up Nuan Nuan and take care of her, Nuan Nuan was taken away by Ye Hantian."

“You know Ye Hantian, right?”

"Yeah. I know."

"Nuan Nuan's disappearance caused a lot of chaos. Everyone began to search for traces of Ye Hantian. During this period, Ye Hantian even planned to go abroad, but was stopped by our people. After all the hard work, Nuan Nuan was taken from him. When I grabbed it back, I found that Nuan Nuan had... died. "

 “Why is this happening? Did he do it?”

“No, it’s because Nuan Nuan’s body is not good to begin with, and it became like this after a lot of suffering.”

 “How abominable!”

"Yes, what's even more disgusting is that Ye Hantian put all the blame on us. At that time, your mother was very sad because of Nuan Nuan's incident. Ye Hantian also deliberately induced him to say that it was because of our pursuit that he had to take Nuan Nuan with him. Escape, which killed Nuan Nuan. At that time, your mother suffered from postpartum depression."

 That incident left a deep impression on everyone at the time. Even thinking about it now is still like a nightmare, it is simply unbearable to look back on!

 When I talk about it, I feel nothing but sadness and hatred.

Hearing the simple description made her feel depressed. She couldn't believe how sad her parents were when they experienced all this!

  No wonder Ye Weiwei misses Mo Xiangnuan so deeply, and he still can't let go after so many years.

“Godmother, apart from the doctor and Ye Hantian, has no one else seen Nuan Nuan before?”

“Yes, we did take a look when we were born, but the most pitiful thing is your mommy. She fainted when you were born and has never seen Nuan Nuan alive. This is something she will never forget.”

Recalling that time, Yu Anran felt a chill in his heart.

Ye Zhiruo sat there, rubbing his hands uneasily with each other, and asked tentatively: "Then, is it possible that the person who died was not Nuan Nuan?"

"Ruoruo, why would you ask that? You were just born."

"What if...I mean what if Ye Hantian exchanged Nuan Nuan with someone else?"

"Have you watched too many TV series, kid?" Yu Anran didn't notice her nervousness at all, and didn't pursue the deeper meaning of her words.

"Me." Ye Zhiruo hesitated to speak. After sighing, he suppressed the words that he almost blurted out.

“Well, I can’t tell for the moment. The truth will be revealed if we wait a little longer.”

"What did you say?"

"it's okay no problem."

Now only she, her brother and Gu Chengxi know about this matter. They have agreed not to tell anyone else at that time, so as not to cause more trouble if the result does not match their imagination.


 The news about Ye Weiwei and Ye Qingfeng's request for leave reached Ye Zhiruo's ears. She was confused about the behavior of the two children and asked questions.

The brothers and sisters of the Ye family had no choice but to lie. Fortunately, they had always been self-disciplined and had strict requirements on themselves, and Ye Weiwei did not break the casserole and ask the truth.

It’s just that lies can’t escape Ye Xichen.

 (End of this chapter)

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