My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1442: The only night to overhear the truth

Chapter 1442 Ye Weiwei overheard the truth

While Ye Weiwei was applying facial mask for maintenance, the brother and sister were invited into Wanmian's study by Ye Xichen.

 “Good evening, Daddy.”

 “Good evening, Daddy.”

The two of them greeted each other politely. Ye Xichen pointed to the chair next to him and said, "Sit down."

 Normally, they can joke and act coquettishly with Ye Xichen casually in other places, but as soon as they enter this study room, they feel that the atmosphere is getting more and more serious, and they must take it seriously.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo were communicating with each other through their eyes, and they took the opportunity to discuss excuses when they came. Unexpectedly, Ye Xichen didn't give them a chance to make excuses at all, and directly asked the question straight to the point: "Tell me, why did you investigate in the first place?" things.”

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo:! !

 Daddy is daddy, and old age is still hot. A question will force them to the stage and they will not be able to get off the stage.

Ye Zhiruo bit her lips and winked at Ye Qingfeng: Brother, come on.

Ye Qingfeng frowned and winked at her: Daddy never loses his temper with you, just tell me!

Ye Xichen calmly took in the expressions and eyes of the brothers and sisters. He seemed to have inadvertently picked up the signature pen in the pen holder on the table, and when he held it about ten centimeters above the table, he suddenly let go, with a "click" sound. The tip of the pen falls to the boiled noodles.

This sound, which is neither loud nor quiet, is enough for the brother and sister to clear their heads.

 Knowing that this was a reminder from his father, Ye Qingfeng, as the elder brother, finally took the initiative to become a pioneer!

“Daddy, the reason why we took two days off to investigate what happened was because my sister and I accidentally discovered a secret.”

Ye Xichen listened quietly, waiting for the follow-up.

Ye Qingfeng corrected his attitude, and his expression gradually became serious, "The other day we saw a birthmark on a girl's waist in a picture. The location of the birthmark is almost exactly the same as the mark on your waist. It can even be said that the shape Same thing."

 Ye Xichen suddenly raised his eyes.


Ye Qingfeng then said: "That girl is the same age as my sister and me. That girl's eyes look like mommy. You know that girl too, she is..."

 While Ye Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, Ye Zhiruo couldn't help but hold his breath.

 “It’s Li Pan’er.”


This time, the pen Ye Xichen held in his fingers fell to the ground.

At this moment, Ye Yiyi, who was standing outside, could no longer bear to push the door open and enter.


The door to the study room was suddenly pushed open, and a huge noise startled everyone.

The three people in the study looked towards the door one after another, only to see Ye Weiwei standing alone in the middle of the door, with a dark expression.

 “Is what you just said true?”


Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo wanted to get close to her at the same time, but Ye Xichen was already faster and took Ye Weiwei's hand.

 Ye’s only hand was shaking.

She stared at Ye Qingfeng and asked the question repeatedly, with thousands of emotions in her eyes.

“Feng’er, tell me, is what you just said true?”


Just now, I could still talk to Ye Xichen rationally, but now I saw Ye Weiyi but couldn't speak because the matter had not been determined yet.

 Ke Ye's only mood was about to collapse.

 “Is what you just said true?”

 “Is there a mark of the crescent moon on Pan’er’s waist?”

“Do you all think that Pan’er is very similar to me?”

“Are you guessing that Pan’er is Nuan Nuan? In fact, Nuan Nuan is not dead at all, right?”

She stepped closer and slapped her hands heavily on the table.

 (End of this chapter)

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