My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1445: A charming family of four

 Chapter 1445: A Flirty Family of Four

The car was swaying along the way, and they woke up several times in the middle of the journey, but they were always defeated by sleep, and they gradually woke up almost after eight o'clock the next morning.

 “Where is this?”

 “Already arrived at Linshi.”

 “How long will it take?”

“It will take about two hours to go up the mountain.”

"Alas." Ye Weiwei couldn't help but sigh when he heard the long wait.

They have arrived in Linshi and found that the temperature here is 5° lower than that in S City, and even a down jacket is not warm enough.

 “The temperature here is very low.”

 Ye Weiwei checked the weather and temperature test on his mobile phone and was concerned about the health of his two children.

"Feng'er, Ruoruo, you should wear more clothes. If you get cold, you must tell mommy."

"Know it."

Most mothers have a "nagging" behavior when facing their children. Repeating care and greetings over and over again is their way of loving their children.

When they came to this mountain village again, they remembered that they had been here before. Unfortunately, after so many years, this small mountain village did not rise due to tourism or agriculture, but stagnated.

 “We have been to this place once before.”

Ten years later, the road up the mountain changed from dirt to gravel, and some places were even painted with cement. However, the layout of the houses in the village is still similar to that of the past.

He goes up the mountain, and the car can only drive to the entrance of the village, and there is still a long way to go.

It’s not very far to walk along the way, but this group of people is too cool...

At noon, most people were on their way home to eat or sitting in front of their homes to do some work. It was also the weekend and the children were on vacation, so when Ye Jia and his group passed by, those people would look at them more. Some children even chase them out to watch.

"Yuxi, I borrowed the backpack from your uncle's house the day before yesterday. If you have nothing to do today, please help me run and return it."

 “Okay, I’ll go right away.”

Fang Yuxi picked up her backpack and just walked out of her house. When she turned a corner, she saw two children blocking the intersection.

This village is not big, and everyone in the village knows each other. Those two children are famous for being naughty in the village, but they are standing here obediently. So Fang Yuxi was very curious when he saw them standing here, "What are you two doing?" Woolen cloth?"

 “Brother Yuxi, look at those people.”

Looking in the direction of the child's finger, Fang Yuxi saw a crowded figure approaching not far away.

Ye Weiwei happened to be looking for someone to ask for directions. She looked around and saw a few people standing at the intersection. She was about to step forward, but Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo stopped her in time, "Mommy, wait, we will go ask you for directions." "

Just when the children finished saying this, Ye Xichen firmly grasped Ye Yiwei's hand.

 The two children acted as pioneers very considerately.

 This is something they have just discussed tacitly.

She was worried that Ye Weiyi would lose control of her emotions, so now Ye Xichen is keeping an eye on her throughout the whole process.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo were able to speed up and step forward, but Fang Yuxi froze when he saw the appearance of the person coming.

Ye Zhiruo waved to them, "Hello, I would like to ask, do you know where Li Pan'er's home is?"

 The two children answered excitedly, "I know, I know! Their home is over there."

Fang Yuxi didn't care about the problem. He rubbed his eyes and repeatedly made sure that he had not misjudged the person in front of him.

 “You, are you Ye Zhiruo?”

 (End of this chapter)

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