My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1446: Are Li and his wife really good to Pan'er?

Chapter 1446 Are Li and his wife really good to Pan'er?

 “You, are you Ye Zhiruo?”

 “Hey? Do you know me?”

Ye Zhiruo raised her eyes and looked carefully at the boy carrying the backpack in front of her.

 She searched in her mind based on her memory, and the results showed that there was no such person.

 She did not have this person in her mind.

 Because Fang Yuxi was just an ordinary passer-by to her, she wouldn't pay attention to him or pay attention to him at all, so she didn't remember that she had seen him before.

Fang Yuxi couldn't wait to explain his identity, "I, I went to your school to perform last time, yes, by the way, I was also there when you took Pan'er to the infirmary for examination, but maybe you didn't notice I."

 At the end, Fang Yuxi scratched his head unnaturally.

Ye Zhiruo blinked, without a smile on his face, and easily resolved the embarrassment, "Oh, I remember seeing you at the last school anniversary."

 Heck remember, she was just calculating.

However, Ye Zhiruo’s exclusive smile is very lethal!

 Just a few words later, Ye Xichen and others who were walking behind were already approaching.


Ye Youwei shouted, and Ye Zhiruo turned around and waved, "Come right here."

Fang Yuxi saw them leaving and quickly stopped them, "Wait a minute, are you here to see Li Pan'er?"

 Ye Zhiruo nodded.

Fang Yuxi picked up his backpack and volunteered, "I happen to be fine, so I'll take you there."

This answer is pleasant to hear, and it is something that Ye Zhiruo couldn't ask for.

 “Really, thank you very much.”

Ye Qingfeng really couldn't see the hopeful look in Fang Yu's eyes on his sister, so he stretched out his hand from between the two of them, pulling Ye Zhiruo to walk beside him to separate her from Fang Yuxi.

However, Fang Yuxi was still actively looking for topics along the way.

“I heard my uncle talk about your family. He said you were very kind.”

 “Who is your uncle?”

“Oh, you don’t know, my uncle is Ying Zhicheng, they all call him Dr. Ying.”

 “Really, what a coincidence.”

"Pan'er seemed to have changed a lot when she came back last time. Hey, what are you doing here to see her now?"

 “Something’s wrong.”

 A simple two-word summary means that the other party is unwilling to explain things clearly.

 Fang Yuxi did not get to the bottom of it.

Instead, Ye Qingfeng asked: "How long will it take to walk from here?"

"About five or six minutes. Their home is on the edge of our village, which is further away than the concentrated residential area."

“Are you familiar with the Li family?”

“Not too familiar, but my uncle has always taken good care of Pan’er, so I know something about them.”

Ye Weiwei, who was walking behind, kept his ears open to listen to the children's conversation, looking for news about Li Pan'er.

 Now she couldn't help but ask: "Then do you know how Pan'er is doing recently? Are the Li family and his wife treating her well?"

Fang Yuxi hesitated, "This..."

 Ye Zhiruo echoed her mother's words, "If you know anything, just say thank you."

 Ye Zhiruo expressed his sincere thanks, and Fang Yuxi could only obey him.

“My home is quite far away from theirs, and I don’t know much about it. I seem to have heard that Aunt Li’s attitude towards Pan’er has changed a bit since they came back from the city.”

Hearing this, the Ye family felt a little bit relieved. At least the previous incident had an effect.

Walking through a bamboo forest, after leaving the bamboo forest, the surrounding land was planted again, but now it is covered with snow, and the land is white, but there is still grass growing in some places.

Fang Yuxi ran into an acquaintance as soon as he came out of the bamboo forest.

 (End of this chapter)

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