My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1447: If you find Pan'er, the money is yours

Chapter 1447: Find Paner, the money is yours

 “Hey, Du Heng.”

Du Heng came forward and met Fang Yuxi face to face. He also saw Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo walking beside Fang Yuxi.

Du Heng was about to say hello to Fang Yuxi, but when he saw the two people, he was stunned.

"This is?"

Fang Yuxi introduced him excitedly, "Du Heng, do you still remember? These are Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, whom we met at Egger College before."

Du Heng nodded repeatedly, "Remember, of course I remember."

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo are outstanding talents who are unforgettable. How could he forget them?

But when he looked again, he saw two men and a woman with extraordinary temperament following behind them, and finally two middle-aged men wearing neat black clothes.

This scene is somewhat eye-catching even in the city, let alone in this backward mountain village?

Du Heng was shocked.

"This this…"

Fang Yuxi explained to him in time, "The people behind are their family members, and they are here to see Pan'er."

Du Heng didn't have time to say hello, but his expression changed when he heard the second half of the sentence.

 “Looking for Pan’er…”

The Ye family didn't talk at first, so Fang Yuxi didn't interrupt Du Heng's communication. However, hearing Du Heng's tone, Ye Weiwei couldn't help it.

"Do you know Pan'er too? Can you take us there quickly? Please."

  She couldn’t wait to find her daughter, but she couldn’t care less about her image, temperament and identity.

Du Heng nodded and turned back the way he came.

 “That’s the one in front.”

 You can now see where the house is located, but it will take at least two or three minutes to walk up there.

On the way, Du Heng asked a question that Fang Yuxi was also confused about, "Well, why are you looking for Pan'er?"

 “Pan’er is…”

Ye Weiwei seemed to be in a hurry to tell everyone that Pan'er was her daughter Nuan Nuan. Fortunately, Ye Xichen was always there to remind her and keep her calm.

 But when he arrived outside the house, he found that the door was closed.

Du Heng and Fang Yuxi called several times, but no one at home agreed.

"How could there be no one?" Ye Weiwei was very anxious.

Du Heng said: "Maybe he went to dig sweet potatoes in the fields."

"What? Digging sweet potatoes in such a cold world?" A group of people in the Ye family were shocked when they heard this.

But Du Heng and the others thought this was a very natural thing.

Ye Zhiruo was very angry after hearing this, "Damn it, we clearly promised that we would treat Pan'er well, but we let her go out to work in such a cold weather!"

"Then do you know where they are? Please take me there."

Du Heng sighed, "There's nothing we can do. It's very cold here in winter, and many vegetables are frozen to death. Only sweet potatoes are better buried in the soil."

 Those who have not lived in rural areas cannot understand that kind of hardship.

Ye Xichen, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Where are they? Take us there."

Having been in the company for a long time, I have a commanding tone when speaking to outsiders.

However, the driver he brought could be regarded as an assistant, and he cleverly gave Fang Yuxi and Du Heng "hard work pay".

Du Heng and Fang Yuxi’s eyes widened when they saw them handing out hundred-yuan bills!

“If you find Pan’er, the money will be yours.”

Du Heng and Fang Yuxi were itchy, but they were not greedy for money.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I know roughly where they are, I’ll take you there now.

Du Heng was a neighbor of the Li family and accurately found the Li family’s land.

 (End of this chapter)

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