My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1455: My name is Mo Xiangnuan

Chapter 1455 My name is Mo Xiangnuan

Ye Weiwei frowned. She tried to persuade Li Pan'er to learn to protect herself, "Pan'er, those people are not worth your heartache at all."

"Me." Li Pan'er couldn't fully accept everything that happened suddenly. Even if she was heartbroken by what the Li couple did, she couldn't support others in attacking two relatives who had lived with her for more than ten years.

"I'm sorry, I know you all do it for my own good, but I can't do it, I'm sorry, I can't do it, I'm sorry..." She kept apologizing, feeling that she was really useless and had been letting down the Ye family's kindness towards her. help.

Ye Weiwei looked very remorseful and seemed to take all the blame on herself, which suddenly made Ye Weiwei feel even more sorry for her.

"Okay, okay, Pan'er, don't get excited. It's not your fault. You are not wrong. Mommy will listen to you, okay?"

 Things that are lost and found are not necessarily second-hand goods. For some people, the people or things that are lost and found are priceless treasures in their hearts!

The only thing Ye Ye wanted to do was to hold her lost daughter in her heart. No matter what her daughter said now, she would not be willing to refute it.

Ye Weiwei calmed down a little and then sent Li Pan'er to Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, and told them to take good care of Li Pan'er, "Feng'er, Ruoruo, take your sister to have a rest and wait for mommy." I’ll see you again after I’ve taken care of things.”

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo nodded and assured, "Don't worry, Mommy, we will take good care of our sister."

Ye Zhiruo originally liked Li Paner very much, but now that she knows that she is her biological sister, her affection for her will definitely increase.

Ye Qingfeng's sister-control attribute has been established since he was a child. When he met Li Pan'er before, he could be a little more leisurely and arrogant. Now facing his own sister Mo Xiangnuan, his sister-control attribute cannot be concealed. .

“Sister, are you hungry? Brother, do you want some chocolate here?”

“Sister, do you want some water?”

 “Sister, you...”

The breeze in the night was wandering around Li Pan'er, asking here and there, for fear that the "service" would not be thorough.

Ye Zhiruo was having a good chat with Li Paner, but was always interrupted by Ye Qingfeng. She couldn't bear it, so she put her hand in front of Ye Qingfeng and said, "Stop, stop, stop!"

 “Brother, can you relax a little?”

 “I’m very relaxed.”

"I mean, don't act so deliberately. Pan'er is not used to it yet. You will embarrass her."

"Really?" Ye Qingfeng stared at Li Pan'er and saw her purse her lips subconsciously.

Ye Qingfeng scratched his head and said, "Okay then, just tell me what you need."

 “Don’t worry, we won’t be polite.”

Ye Zhiruo and Li Paner looked at each other and both laughed.

Li Pan'er realized that the aloof young master turned out to be like this.

“Pan’er, actually I want to tell you something.”


"I know you can't fully accept this yet, but I want to ask, can you change your name back to Mo Xiangnuan? We are triplets. Do you know the origin of our names? Smile warmly and be at ease; if you When it blooms, the breeze comes.”

"The name Xiang Nuan contains everyone's good expectations and longing for you. In the years since we lost you, the only thing we can remember is this name, so can you call me Nuan Nuan?"

"My name is..." She moved the corner of her mouth and read out the name carefully, "Mo Xiangnuan."

 (End of this chapter)

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