My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1456: Let’s call her Aunt Ye

Chapter 1456 Let’s call her Aunt Ye

"Very good."

 “Nuan Nuan, welcome home!”

Hearing her answer, Ye Zhiruo smiled sincerely.

It turns out that miracles will really happen in this world. As long as you pursue it firmly, maybe what you once lost will come back to you again.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't know how Ye Weiwei and the others solved this matter. When she went out, she only saw the Li family and his wife standing there in a dignified manner, not even daring to express their anger.

 In Mo Xiangnuan's memory, the Li family couple had always been rude and arrogant in front of her. She had never seen the Li family couple look like this.

 He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Now that she knew that the Li family couple were not her parents, she really couldn't call her parents.

I have suspected that I am not my biological child many times, but I never expected that such a bizarre thing would really happen!

Judging from the attitude of the Li family towards her, I'm afraid no one would call her ungrateful even if she turned around and left.

Her life was like a nightmare. The only kindness the Li family and his wife had to her was probably the food they gave her over the past ten years.

Ye Weiwei walked up to her and held her hand affectionately, "Pan'er, can mommy take you home now?"

Ye Zhiruo interjected and made a statement, "Mommy, Nuan Nuan promised to use her original real name. You must remember to change your name."

"Really?" Ye Weiwei was ecstatic and hugged Mo Xiangnuan into Hui Hui's arms, "Nuan Nuan, that's great."

At the same time, the Li family couple who were present also heard what Ye Zhiruo said, and they all looked at Li Paner with surprise. However, due to the threats from the people around them, they did not dare to talk to Mo Xiangnuan at will, but they had different expressions.

Ye Ziwei held Mo Xiangnuan's hand with joy and wanted to take her out of the house. Just when he was about to step out of the threshold, Mo Xiangnuan suddenly stopped.

 She finally turned around and her eyes fell on the Li family.

  The Li couple were full of hope, hoping that she could say something nice.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xiangnuan turned his head back again.

Her finger hooked Gou Ye's only palm. Just when she was about to talk about the Li family, Mother Li couldn't help calling her name, "Li Pan'er, you really plan to do this." Let’s go. You are too heartless, we are the ones who have raised you for more than ten years!”

 Mother Li's scolding was harsh to the ears.

She swallowed the words she was about to blurt out.

“Ye, Aunt Ye, I want to get my things.”

After learning the truth, Mo Xiangnuan has always ignored Ye Weiyi's address, and now he still addresses her as "aunt". Ye Weiyi can't help but feel a little disappointed when he hears it.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and put herself in the best possible condition in front of Mo Xiangnuan, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Mo Xiangnuan returned to his original small room to pack his things. This was the first time Ye Ziyi stepped into Mo Xiangnuan's room.

This narrow room is no more than three meters long and two meters wide. There is nothing extra except a bed and a table.

Ye Weiyi saw that the top and bottom of the table were facing each other, and the clothes were all rolled up in bags. There was no extra space for storage.

It’s hard to imagine that Mo Xiangnuan has lived in such an environment for more than ten years...

 Seeing the environment here, Ye Weiwei was angry and distressed at the same time!

 “This is too much, how could they do this to you!” Ye Weiwei clenched his fists in anger, and maybe he could not help but rush out to find someone to settle the score in the next second!

 (End of this chapter)

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