My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1457: What I owe her will take my whole life to pay back.

Chapter 1457: What I owe her will take my whole life to pay back.

 “This is too much, how could they do this to you!” Ye Weiwei clenched his fists in anger, and maybe he could not help but rush out to find someone to settle the score in the next second!

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head calmly, "It's okay."

 Having lived in this place for ten years, I am used to everything.

 As for bringing something, she really didn’t have anything to bring.

The only thing she treasured was a few pieces of clothing.

Mo Xiangnuan packed up the clothes that Ye Zhiruo had given her last time, and found two sets of dresses from the bottom. They were children's dresses and items given to her by well-wishers many years ago.

"what is that…"

Ye Weiwei looked at the style of the dress and suddenly felt that it looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

Mo Xiangnuan took out another worn piece of letter paper and said, "A well-intentioned person gave it to me when I was a child, but I have no memory of it at that time, only this letter."

Mo Xiangnuan unfolded the letter. Ye Weiwei could clearly see the words and pictures on the letter, and his memory suddenly jumped to ten years ago!

 “It turns out…it’s you…”

 The family came here ten years ago. It turned out that Ye Zhiruo had met Mo Xiangnuan at that time and was deeply impressed by her...

Why didn’t she stay a little longer at that time? Maybe that way she could see her daughter earlier.

Tears rolled down instantly, Ye Weiwei covered her mouth with one hand and turned to leave the room.

The sudden incident made Mo Xiangnuan confused.

She immediately put down the clothes in her hands and chased out, only to see Ye Weiyi squatting behind the door with her head buried, and she could still hear the sound of crying.

The only mood change in the night was sudden, and Mo Xiangnuan was at a loss, "You, don't cry."

 “You, what’s wrong with you?”

"Aunt Ye, don't cry..."

The sound of crying made her feel so painful that she couldn't help but shed tears. She kept wiping her hands, but she couldn't wipe them clean.

 “Don’t cry….”

Mo Xiangnuan wanted to persuade her not to cry, but he was infected by the sadness and cried even more.

Ye Xichen never expected that when he came to pick someone up, he would see mother and daughter "crying" at each other!

 He frowned and felt his head hurt.

“Are you two, mother and daughter, competing to see who cries harder?”


  Just such a sentence was mixed in, and the anger that was filled with sadness just now was successfully disintegrated.

 The mother and daughter really stopped crying immediately and looked up at Ye Xichen at the same time.

 Such a reaction was exactly what Ye Xichen expected.

"Do not cry?"

Ye Weiwei stopped crying, but her eyes turned red.

As if she was dissatisfied with being embarrassed by Ye Xichen, she washed her nose and retorted, "Brother Chen, why are you like this!"

 “If you want Nuan Nuan to become a little crybaby like you, just continue.”


Ye Youwei held her daughter's hand, and when she looked back, she also stopped crying, and she felt relieved.

"I'm sorry, I didn't control my emotions well. Nuan Nuan, please go in and pack your things. Mommy will go in and help you carry them."


Mo Xiangnuan returned to the small room as instructed.

As soon as she left, Ye Xichen hugged the crying man next to him.

 “Why are you crying again?”

 “I just learned something, back then…”

Ye Weiwei told Ye Xichen the truth he discovered. Ye Xichen listened quietly and patted his back to comfort him.

"Nuan Nuan won't blame you. Anyway, we found her, right? We have a lifetime to pay back what we owe her."

 (End of this chapter)

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