My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1459: Lost the necklace

Chapter 1459 The necklace is lost

 Mo Xiangnuan was a little embarrassed for a moment.

It was Ye Zhiruo who introduced herself generously, "Hello, aunt, my name is Ye Zhiruo, and I am her sister."


 After introducing his identity neatly and neatly, he still needs to add one sentence.

 These three words shocked Mother Zhou to death.

 “Sister? Sister? Biological one?”

There are only a few people in the village, and every household in the village knows something about it. Who doesn’t know that the Li family only has a daughter, Li Paner, and is extremely poor.

At this moment, a beautiful and elegant young girl suddenly appeared and said that she was Li Pan'er's biological sister. Who would believe it?

"This can't be possible. Are you kidding me, Pan'er? How can you have such a sister?"

This week’s mother’s confusion at the beginning was understandable, but the second half of her sentence made Ye Zhiruo feel very uncomfortable.

Ye Zhiruo put a hand affectionately on Mo Xiangnuan's shoulder and smiled at Zhou's mother, "Auntie, you don't need to look at me with such surprise. It's hard to explain this matter. You just need to know her She is not a child of the Li family and is not called Li Paner, her name is Mo Xiangnuan."

“Oh, by the way, you should know about a family that funded your school a month ago, right?”

"I know, I know." Zhou's mother didn't know Ye Zhiruo's intention of mentioning this matter, but when she mentioned it, almost everyone in the village knew that a month ago, a wealthy family named "Ye" funded this place in the name of the family. 's school.

"It's good to know." Ye Zhiruo nodded with satisfaction at her answer, pointed at Mo Xiangnuan with one finger and said, "She, Mo Xiangnuan, is the daughter of that family named Ye, her biological daughter."

With those arrogant words left behind, Ye Zhiruo pulled Mo Xiangnuan and left without looking back, no matter how shocked Zhou’s mother was standing there!

Mo Xiangnuan reminded her after she had walked ten meters away, "Sister Ye, we don't know where Yuqing is yet..."


Ye Zhiruo immediately put away his majestic and high-spirited posture and blinked at Mo Xiangnuan guiltily.

 She had just been busy standing up for Mo Xiangnuan...

Ye Qingfeng patted Ye Zhiruo's shoulder, and suddenly came out from behind, "Hey, can you two stop being so funny?"

 “Brother, can you stop being scary!”

Ye Qingfeng shrugged and stood between the two of them, placing his hands on their shoulders naturally. "I have already asked for you. Zhou Yuqing went to the house of a person named Zhao Fang."

 “Thank you, thank you Brother Ye, brother.”

 “Yo, this brother’s voice is really nice.”

Ye Qingfeng teased her, and Mo Xiangnuan blushed.

The three of them went to Zhao Fang’s house together, and sure enough they found Zhou Yuqing at Zhao Fang’s house!

Now Mo Xiangnuan learned her lesson and asked Ye Zhiruo and the others to wait outside while she went to Zhou Yuqing to get the necklace.

But when Mo Xiangnuan asked her for it, Zhou Yuqing said, "Pan'er, aren't you afraid that your parents will take it back now? I can keep it for you."

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head, "Thank you, Yuqing, but I can keep it by myself now. Can you please return the necklace to me?"

Zhou Yuqing subconsciously gathered her clothes and said guiltily: "Yes, I'm sorry, the necklace is missing."


 “I accidentally lost it before…”

 “How could it be? Where was it lost?”

 “I don’t know either, I can’t find it.”

 “Then why didn’t you tell me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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